except on game days, when they should cut down to four glasses a days After the games players should drink as much cool water, never ico-cold weiter, as is consistent with conforte ae santo to ent botmen nents should tay drinking « lass of water ovry tine he eraves food between metls. Mater will appease this false hunger. Sweets. In days now gone, athletes were absolutely forbidden the use of sweets. ‘ow the trend is toward discretion rather than abstinence. Candy, when eaten discriminetely after meals, is an energy producer and should have a definite place in a player's dict. A Pregame Meme ‘The following meal should be exten at least two and one- half hours before the game: | Sl4eed oranges, sprinkled with sugar, and accompanied with celery hearts. Two slices hot dry toast, butter, and a amll cup of honey. One cup of weak tea with suger and lemon or cream. sos ells saiceietaesih eee a0 Shak ics Need Ses Sinn Se ens Ce. ships of travel, a emall piece of broiled T