August 4, 1945 Mr. Dwight Keith 751 Park Drive Atlanta, Georgia Dear Dwight: Thank you very mush for the bound copy of your splendid publications, “Southern Coach and Athlete". I prize these very highly. But best of all I appreciate your thinking of me enough to send “them to me. This volume will ocoupy a very nmin ent part in ny library. With all good wishes to you and your |. family, T am oe : _ Sincerely Forrest C. Allen Director, Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach FPCAsef — SS \\ Neos fom ‘ AG 4 © g G4 QJ O ae Se. « 4 YU . o S i Bee 6 nae er age : > ogg = 8 e OF Wh q = 1 9 LO 2 @ 4 Oo & ow rs @ ff sf © Orc e 8 ® o ro hy cas " ie = GID LO S| oO M @ {> men t> 3 we ~ a2 9 am : Os ae ee i S 2 o a ce P © oh 4-42 & ad w? g 4 Oy a a C4 4 a q oe Sd ce Oe sg cee eo nih Ss n = iri “ Oz Pet Re A : 5 le 6h ee CR si oO Q > @ Bp O E a 1 ° - Fi os i we Se 6 uy ° uy OF 2,0 hy 40 . fe a oral ® e Op « P| ml: Oo Ot > +e om e ee + OF EB a SE OD o G4 49 rg oo we o <1! co fa) °o @ = a S @ ou 3S od cr) e O Q mt cdwtOoo - -~ rot 2 O © 4 ey 1 3 aS) ©. oO - da cies ord ©. oe © a <1 e on 4 CO oO Oo & @O a > & Wh 44 of om Aa gs o8 «@ ® oo Om a) ret oO + 49 4 © o Om OM @ Pye ot rz t, am) ai ” . “4 0 $y o —- qt “4 ‘ Oo, © ni bso o 42 ¢ © Ob mo w a | Gh - Or a4 b e mt. « t4 ow oT om 3 @ a Sy aN cD Ow & Ky fant . fu > =. = © ah © Ht BOM q “ * oe . . Ct oe ea G4 et ® pany olin Ge 4 a oq os Oo a - ono a fy LO S Ow of Us Oa .8 ¢2 $22 3 af 2h. > 2 ‘. 2 5 Se 8b POD 0 » . a 2 a. th a oe bard ‘ @ c ie C+ © 8 qd oO cf cf p C x} V6 ADH - f= oO Gas ts a Pde he . . ca : Wh O SX QW. WE S gC % = rr Si x % a ae 2 VN PRPC OO Pe ne edeenetee SS WQS % Se 3 ; \ ig WW . QS, i ee _ Z a. _t— oN ly : | Cl i 3 se ‘ _ x \ NY B ex = Peripocoroscacny A Gas SS SS \ NK c RK (QU A If you expect to officiate this year we'll appreciate it if you will send in your registration at once, The football and basketball rule books Will be mailed to you this spring, KANSAS STATE HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION APPLICATION TO BOARD OF CONTROL E. A. THOMAS, Commissioner, Topeks, -ancat 2220.5 40 LO ou: I hereby apply for renewal of my certification as an approved Kansas State High School Activities Association Official and enclose fee of__.________.__.________ eke (Fee for one sport, $1.00. For both sports, $2.00) NaMme: 222g ogl oe eee ee ee pineee S50 20 Bee cs Phe eee Bee City Gh sak i SS ee PYCsee re OR soe hk sec Last year's acdress. 2.20. cee ee Certification: desired-—Poothall 22205 22 Basketball 264 I agree to the provisions which relate to requirements for registration and hereby signify my intention of attending at least one official rules interpretation meeting in each sport for which I am registered. DiGNOR ec pe eetie sc cee ic eteuc eae Official. Only officials who are registered with the commissioner and to whom registration cards have been issued may be used by member schools as officials in football or basketball games. July 18, 1945 Miss Ruth Kenney, Secretary ° Bureau of Correspondence Study Extension Division Dear Miss Kenney: oe Thank you for sending the check to Mrs. Allen for $2.21. Mrs. Allen will revise the basketball courses during the summer and the remaining lessons will come in shortly. . Thanks again. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach FCA: MEH THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION TEACHING BUREAU OF GENERAL INFORMATION LAWRENCE BUREAU OF CLASS INSTRUCTION LECTURE COURSE BUREAU BUREAU OF CORRESPONDENCE STUDY BUREAU OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION July 16, 1945 Mrs. Bess M. Allen 801 Louisiana Lawrence, Sansas Dear Mrs. Allen: We are enclosing State Voucher number 12986 in the emount of $2.21 for handling the correspondence study papers. From the amount due you te usual withholding tax has been deducted. We appreciate your cooperation in taking careof these papers, and thank you for your promptness in get- ting the material back to us. Sincerely yours, ecretva RK mac Bureau of Correspondence Study MO. KANSAS CITY SPORT GOODS CO. P.O. BOX 35 > *+*++*+-+-+- KANSAS CITY, 7-14-45 \¢ q NE \7Z days tings and targets today but it will probably be a week or 10 on the cloth target faces. 30 and I believe we can ship you the deck tennis We appreciate your Order No. n : 44 °o Ps ~ as ” % ® b a > \S S Lawrence, Kansas Gent lemen: 8 ¢ 34 a : : 7 28 b> fqn 2 Ba jot fia :ane : : : g fi a kr PR \ W\, SNP \ CRE SS Se 1 9 MO. P.O. BOX 35 -**** 22+ ++ KANSAS CITY, KANSAS CITY SPORT GOODS CO. iQ . Oe cm t cd Se WHEN ee seeeeeee [oe Allen, Coach Dr. Forrest Varsity Basketball University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas ee Ne. Gi 3b Dear Phog; you, We appreciate the shipment and whenever you have any used equipment which is no longer of value to in will be glad to let you know what we can do on we will be glad to handle it. I have yours of the 26th and when the balls come them. \ Sa rT 2 yy P} as SSS er ; ) o St Sincerely MODS CO. LULL eda Wee Ce aN _ = SS Ss you am be glad Mo, -Turmer, Mner.\« nd we have given you 915.00 and whenever you are down & & can pick oyt anything you like to apply against Je KANSAS CITY SPORT GOODS CO. Sincerely .— Forrest C. Allen Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansag If you accumulate any more used equipment at any time which is no longer of use to you will I believe we wrote you we had moved to a new to get it. location, 1309 Walnut St., Kansas City, will be mighty glad to have you come in to gee We hsve yours of the 4th a Dear Phog: Credit for Dr. use WR g | SoS 2. sae POA Ne SSS fa P.O. BOX 35 -**** 22°22 * KANSAS CITY, MO. A O LS WV) OQ O O © —_ of O ls . > E id WV) < eg) z < MG = \ G i NS LO Ld ee CONFIDENTIAL ARMY SERVIC FORCES IRO/BIK/dmz Headquarters Second Service Cemmand Goverpers Island, Ni, Feek Dass In Reply Refer To: NYS | 31 Jan 1945 SPCII el Agout: Case Not = 720.19 oe . a * z University of Kansas SUBJECT: KOST, ‘Melba Ruth (nee "Schilling") Lawrence, Kansas 50 Manchester d,, Tuckahoe, N.Y. Born 2 Jan 1920, Belleville, Ill. Employed from 19\1 - 192 We are “infermed that Subject was emuploved by you. As a patriotic citizen, will yeu please, insert the inforiation requested below, and: PROMPTLY return this Lotter, A self-addressed wavelepe, retuirine no rogtare, is inclosed fer your esuvenience. * e 1, What are the exact datca of the . period or periods during which Subject werked fer you? &, State reasons fer termination of Subject's employment. 3, What was Subject's position? oa 4. List known fermer addresses of Sudject. pertinent : : Ges 5 8. : Se es : “s : i ie . ie 5. Please indicate your. opixiey of Sud ject's character: AXCELLENT -«GO0H.s— Meee Per teas flee JOP AM; $e tbe res7 ot As ya Zo s to /7 Cf 7 po We play (elbey bad To fer Lub lreg oe ELC? oF Tae dey a eg ve : 26. Mee cal aA : spenl east, Ee ion TOs Oa Vf - Pf awe ie Fe ey fre //, fee 42°C r-e oo AHewo jee Fricce Sn peta Ball Meal, lVe S40 Peay of ae Joh im SOWZE@ os Oly ree Lak bam dle tag by 0h Je BY Jeg ae Boll plo See ee ey Joe Cordon, TF 3 4 w 5 JE Lo kromrcek BY Pry, Pi AZo 9 5 a» (El er; Priddy, ard ¢ 7 wore, Vite 27 laagae fol é Subs Pave Ze come farecs fer Ze — t Wavy Pocwe s ee ¥ ass ee SZ eZ > de firs 7 for lcs 3 ie Tho POU ing, ad i a ‘ : cle ‘ r si os - otaite. i a NN alam : 3 i week br es peso l~e fave A249 2 vee ee | dfhe)Pean Freots — Le eaten — — frls dad (826 Brooks) Pos The ality 3 scpaore %% a fee ee A oO Sire Hea pe eI ee Stat ade LUI S FIC AF 3S 2 Rene ag J feet th CUP over Le Sohn tes fie food a self Le colina nt ot ha bef play ers aor eshere (ey Jee Maes Oe reese The ILL, at ee oe close ge mes DYASGS y lle reparhe/d fraew ee ales ays tod DoF olf eaves pe -o - ady 7 Fer Jree as. rows « aa 3 : : “fo Pia i A in ee fee Pre feed clase Lr Some Says Lie sited Ai, bo? goma: Sine £ ete fe veers Ohl ga wekaed ine sgh Koh bied i. hal 0 cond Sshivers run afm pa eee ey =P ine hes ee of fret yrormenrs ef silence he fer es if W482. ee feces oe ee ee Sronr O46 #F oe tron Neb. Owe gk ee tae oe to raps JB b-2> Boe 7 fez ie sects, ot Oe prme jon Sek — Dead s Jot. ss frou fol ge COLTS LF. thy sag gee Ss ee 7 Pere gre ground] CF oF ae a Oe Fee a ee areq, ae oe ee fp lrce Jou fetes ee ee oe Plow es | axa cane Soon Cu of we Sor “p aS Pare eee tho Pee aos je Ao _- dent megsell 9 eT aesre of | fwief aal of Fee svg = . | \ Jap Plaze fers] A Sl hie, y sve 7 BA. J Lie fm Co ey J eer Clee felran Cove poo (Ce a6, We © fierce 2 Westy a) Pe pt _S (77P 777 ©/7 5 y and Pe Kea? Hee show lf pe ble p> fo q goed / ‘ab oo Layo cere ’ ere eer —_ " WADDY WENT DOWN HELPING A BUDDY-~-News stories from Saipan have somewhat amplified the aerial dogfight over Tokyo that on Jan. 9 resulted in Capt. Waddy Young, Okla-. homa's All-American end of 1938, being shot down and listed missing inaction. . liere are exceppts from two stories: "Big grinning Waddy Young, who formerly ran interference as an All-American end at the University of Oklahoma, is missing in action because he still insisted on running interference for his team mates, , He was one of the most popular plane commanders at this base and his flying mates still . think "Old Waddy will probably show up one of these days.' » The 29-year old Young. was flying the No, 2 position in that Jan, 9 flgghte The group was struggling ~ through bad weather and being attacked by scores of Jap fighters. The No, 3 man, , Lt. enjamin Crowell of Avondale, Pa, was hit by a Jap fighter which knocked out one engine, causing him to lose altitude and speed and finally drop out of formation. . Capt. Paul Beard of Beaumont, Tex., the unit leader, heard Waddy say on the phone, , "Slow this formation dovm, I am going to ride herd on Crowell.t The formation Slowed down and they saw Young maneuver his plane in close to help Crowell who was. under attack by swarms of fighters. Over the phone again came Young's voice, “We . are okay.'* Then the weather closed in. Visibility was extremely: poor and the last formation saw two planes flying out to sea but still dropping down. A search for the planes proved fruitless. "He's. just that kind of a guy." Waddy'ts:C.0, saide Young flew antisubmarine patrol off England near Biscay Bay and ran up more than 9,000 combat hours. Flying ‘Waddy's Wagont Young participated in thefirst B-29 raid on Truk, the first on Toyko, and the first on Nagoya.". for former Sooner athletes in the service : Feb. 13, 1945, . GOSSIP....From Lt. Don Smith, our infielder three years.ago: "Iwas sure surprised to hear that Pan "ace Campbell(Sooner blocking back of 1942 who now has an European APO) was married. I was with him at Lincoln only three days before the big event and he didn't say a word about it. But you know old Pan, When I get back tothe | states I am going to spend the first month taking sun baths and drinking all the milk I can hold. We seldom see the sun for more than a few minutes and milk is . impossible. But on the whole we have it pretty nice. I can. tell you that I have seen a lot of Germany from the aire"seeefrom Lt. Jack Jacobs, March Field, Calif.:. "T ran inte Karey Fuqua at Pearl Harbor and we spent several afternoons together at Waikiki Beach swimming. O.T.McCall was there, Ho is a major in the QM. I ran . into Moon Mullens(track '42, Fuqua quarterbacked Biff Jones' Sooner football team of 1935) and he-is the keeper of the guardhouse at the marine Transient barracks at Honoulu. I also ran into Abbott Sparks, the boy who used to make sweet music — for the Ramblers Orchestra at the University the Army-Navy game I played fullback and bétocked the ends for Dobbs so he could passe Also backed the line, Not the easiest job in the world but I had a lot of fun(Jake has always been a tail- . back), I saw a lot of Okies out there. I think they are running the Pacific War.” | From Lt.( jg) Paul Updegraff, our No. 1 fan, “I have been visiting Jap 4askell(0.U.. athletic director on leave, a lt. com. in charge of phys. ed. at the navy's big base at Yacksonville, Fla.). Old Jap has a real sports program and has Don Faurot: (Missouri coach) as his executive officer. Don and Jap went bird hunting Sunday and as usual Jap killed his quorum. In fact one might stretch that statement a bit and say he shore did get his share," Col. Roger W.Peard, (basketball '10, from unid) of the Marines is back at San jg) Carl Lochner(track 1937) has been discharged from the Navy and is entering private business,...from Lt. Gordon Clarke, jr.,( baseball *36): "This sea air is wondorful but I'd trade it M for the wind-swept prairies any time. From Ensign Andy Cary(our half-miler who will do 1:50 or better some day but will blush Shon her Poe weout it here: "I am still fighting the battle of fort Emory. We have been going out in the surf in these landing craft. It is just like mmh riding a wild horse only you don't get seasick ona bucking horse." Pfc Mitch Shadid(football 1940-42) is now at March Field, .. Calif. From Sgt. ben Tillman with tho marines in the Mojave Desert in California: _ "My conception of a desert has been shot all to hell, It has been raining steady . here tho last four days; ice overywhere, Say, our little basketball team is doing okay, isn't it?" for Sooner Athletes in Service, Febs. 15, 1945....... page 2. HCENT DECORATIONS, ETC....To 2nd Lt. Jonathan Sharp(track '42) the Air Medal, two battle stars, a cluster, presidential Citation for outstanding performance on Dl, 2 and 3 and for our work in Italy....Maj. Novel S.Yood(football 1938-40) the Dis- tinguished Flying.Cross with one Oak Leaf cluster and an air medal with four clus- ters for his wotk in the Pacific...eLte Thelton Wright(track and football '42) a commendation from Lt. Gen. A.AsVandorgrift, commandant of the US Marine Corps, for risking his life to save a fellow marine officer from drowning....Lt, “arry Fender (our 13-2 polc-vaulter) is receiving troatment froma hospital in inglend SPOR woinds of head and legs sustained in Germany....Lt. Glenn P.Bradloy was wounded slightly Doc. 9 in Gormany..eeClare Moreford(football 1942) has been commissioned a 2nd looey in Marines at Quantico....Lt. Ira Monroe(baseball) is the papa of a baby daughter born last June(we're a little late on this one)....Capt. “arshall Word (tussler) is the papa of a baby son born in December..,.Lt. Matt Zoliner(basketball) is the papa of a new son born in November....We know births and decorations are achievements the average guy is bashful about making known, but please tell us about each ether's anyhow. INDOOR TRACK +s.Ransas won a dual indoor meet at Lawrence Feb. 10, 62-41....Okla- homa firsts were: Laddie Jarp, Fairview freshman, won the 60 in 6.6s, Homer Spark- man, our football blocking back whom Jake is building into a runner, won the 880 in 2:13, Clarence Vicklund won the mile and 2-mile in 4:51 and 10:42 and our relay team of Red Day, Bill Sylvester, Jack Coe and Joe Richardson won...sTimes of other events :JJackson, Kansas, won 440 in 57, NW. Jackson, Kansas, won tg hurdles races .in 7.5 and 8.2s, Rouse and Sargent, “ansas, won high jump at 5- 82: 3 Leigh, Dansas, : won broad jump in 20- 4, Morrow, _ansas, won pole vault at lift. ’ whe Sauer, “ansas, won shot at 43-35....4ake's team Ys not only green but also crippled because three of his best boys are a shade under the Navy's scholastic requirements and can't even work outs BASKETBALL. ..eNorman Navy Zooms. 45, Oklahoma 32...,at Navy drill hall Feb. 2.... They had too much speed for us and did some nice driving for goals...,Clint Herron was their star with seven field baskets....Jack Landon, our guard; bottled up their scoring ace, Bob Cook, former Wisconsin star, who had made nine buckets against the Norman Navy Sky jackets.«..Landon held Cook to three points, made 12 himsslf..e Howard Brinegar, our 6-1 center, hawked the rebounds.,..Okiahoma 49, Kansas State 35.0>This was the only team that had beaten us in ee 2 the Big Six(KS 55,.0kla. 54:at Manhattan, Kens. Jan. CKLAHOMA 2)....Bruce had their boys charted this time and : 77 ot. or. distributed his defense accordingly....For example, Lindenberg, f 10-0 3, Dave Weatherbey, their 6-4 forward who beat us at Hines, f 44-8 1 Manhattan, got only one goal off Landon who scored Buelow, f Bb 4-6 4 11 points himself..,..Incidently, this Landon boy .- Whitehouse, f 00-0 0 is playing some great basketball....Buelow, suffer- Fowler, f 00-0 0° ing from a touch of ptomaine, played in only short Brineger. c -O a2 2 stretches but was the coolest shot-maker on the Kilvinge, ¢ (00-0 0 floor(see box to’ right)....Five times he drove down Landon, ¢ 5 id. 6 their big middle, galloping with the dribble, and Whaley, g 22-3 1 laid the ball up one-handed running(left hand at Krouse, ¢ O 2-5 & that)....sHe looked paler than ever(His nickname is Dollarhide, g 0O O0-2 O "Spook" and Hal’ Middlesworth, sports editor of the tobe llseceacae Uf ROeee te Daily Oklahoman, says he looks like he does his road work in a pool hall) but he is playing some fine basketball....It was 12-3 once in the first half, 27-16 at the half and 41-25 once in last half...eansas State has their best team in years....After they lost ts they held the Norman Navy Sky- jackets to a 59-50 win....We lead Big Six 5 wins, 1 loss, “ansas 4-2(Nebraska upset them 59-45 at Lincoln Saturday), Iowa State 3-2, Kansas State 3-3 etc....ile play Kansas at Lawrence(ouch!) Feb. 13, Iowa State at Ames(also ouch!) Feb. 17, Aggies at Stillwater(triple ouch!) Feb. 22, Iowa State at OC Feb. 24, Long Island U. at Madison Sq. G Feb. 28, LaSalle at Philadelphia March 3, Missouri at Columbia Mch. 5 Mareh 22, 1945, “~ Sns. Go. RP, *"Knute”™ Kresie, Route 9, Topeka, Kansas. Dear Xnute: s I am sorry I missed you when you stopped by the office this woek. I have a great many out of town dates in the next two weeks, but if you gould come over on Monday, the 26th, I will be here. Iwill also be here Thursday morning, the 29th, al- though I have a olass at 11:30 that day. And on Friday and . Saturday, Maroh 50 and 31, I will be here. — Pty you and Brice can arrange to come over to Lawrence on any of these days, I will be delighted to see you and have a good visit. Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. P.8. I might also mention that on Friday morning the Draft Board, of which I am a member, meets from 10 to 12. Mareh 5 1945. Miss Ruth Kemney, ' Bureau of Correspondence Study, University of Kansas. Dear Miss Ruth: It is genuinely splendid of you to take time from your busy hours to assuage our feelings at the time when we were so overwhelmed at Iowa State. It is such statements from friends like these that really do a fellow good. I am not in the least bit low, knowing that the boys gave everything they had, but they didn't have quite the stuff to overcome an inspired and a highly skilled, powerful Iowa State tean. Sometimes we are stupid enough not to know the things we should do, but the fact that you called up and asked for a little help for Mildred Carpenter was one of the happiest things that we did. And too, it helped us immensely because from that time on Herb Heim's morale was the best that it had ever been all year. It was unfortunate that we - didn't know the answer earlier in the year. I feel now that we never would have lost to Oklahoma at Norman had we had a booster-upper at the right time. But just the same, I want to thank you for all the fine things that you have always done in helping us. And I assure you I gratefully appreciate your letter... | Very sincerely yours, ; Direotor of Physicall Education, PFOA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION TEACHING BUREAU OF GENERAL INFORMATION LAWRENCE BUREAU OF CLASS INSTRUCTION LECTURE COURSE BUREAU BUREAU OF CORRESPONDENCE STUDY BUREAU OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION March 3, 1945 Dr. 3. Cu Alien Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I want to congratulate you on the wonderful showing the K.U. Basketball Team made this year. Hats off to you. Honestly, when I saw the pre-season games, I was inclined to think that we would be towards the bottom of the Big Six. That was a rash feeling about the matter, because I should have known that you would be able to teach them enough basketball and weld them into a good team, so that they could "go places". The fact that we have second place is splendid, and I am happy for you and all the boys. Thenk you for your little note about the correspondence study papers. Yes, of course, I knew you couldn't take time with the rush to these past weeks to handle those correspondence study assign- ments. Your students know it also, and they are entirely willing to wait until you have time to handle those papers. : I want, also, to thank you for your vine in helping one of our girls, Mildred Carpenter, get into the Kansas State game at Menhatten. If you hadn't assisted her, she couldntt have gone. As it was, she enjoyed every minute and I know it boosted her morale and helped boost the morale of the team. ~ Thank you for your splendid cooperation. Cordi - GUIK. Secret ary RK mac Bureau of Correspondence Study March 15, 1945. Very cordially yours, President. 3 £ Mr. Clint Kenega, wries. Jenkins Music Co., Kansas .City, Mo. Dear Clint: I am just writing yeu at this moment to acknowledge receipt of your good letter of March 3, when you commiserated me on lésing to - Towa Stete, and in the same breath you expressed your pleasure at. being in our home. I assure you that pleasure was reciprecal, and so far es Tows State was concerned, they ot had the better ss cl ub. . 7 iow, regarding ‘Bia duiieh lank. I certainly will make it a point to drop in some time and teke lunoh with you and we will have e chance to talk to his dad. I am leaving for Denver tonight but I will net ferget this detail and you will hear from me soon after I ges beck, end when I have an opportunity to step over in Kansas City. Thank you for val ling our attention, te Bill. I also aclnowledge receipt of your letter about suai Fred Eberhardt. I thought the Star carried a wonderful tribute te hin and the applicable statement of his brother, Lt..¢harles. This bey Charles must be a grand chap, and I know how tough it must have been for him to write that. - With all good wishes, I am a PCA:AH TEAMS TO FINALS ratt-Whitney and Chestnut Inn Eliminate Foes in City Semi-Finals. \ SCARE FOR EAGLES Yruggists, Rallying Late in Game, Lose, 28-30—Inns Beat Bombers, 33-30. ; TUESDAY NIGHT’S GAMES. A eee ys. Chestnut Inn, Class nal. Hobbs Feed ys. Second Presbyterians, Class B final. The Pratt-Whitney Eagles, veathering a late Karnes lrive, edged out the Druggists : 30 to 28 and Chestnut Inn,|" coming from behind in the ast two minutes, took a 33 to 30 thriller from the North erican Bombers last night yn the Redemptorist high school court. The games noved the class A city basket- |: all tournament to the finals. Second Presbyterians’ young team triumphed! 36 to 26 over the Power & Light veterans in a late rally while the Hobbs Feed oldsters gained a last minute 22 to 21 victory} over DeSpain Motors to qualify for the class B finals, Title Games Tuesday. The teams will be idle tonight. but will resume play with the! championships in both divisions! next Tuesday night on the Redemp-. torist court. | In a game that was a battle all the | way, Pratt-Whitney ahead, 17 to 13, at half time, lost the lead early in the second session regained it mid- ‘way of the period, and then fought |to protect a 2-point lead in the final |minute, Charley Kalsu’s basket put the Druggists ahead, 19 ta.18. Sev- eral moments later Bob Bittherus 2- pointed for a 20-19 advantage and|. the Eagles ran the score to 30-21 ;when Karnes almost closed the gap, 'Thurstin missing a chance to tie in|! the last fifteen seconds. Chestnut Inn, off to an early lead, kept the advantage until the final three minutes of the last half when the Bombers went ahead, 30 to 29, on}’ a short side shot by Farris Jeffries.| Conway and Lindquist potted close in baskets and the Inns resorted to keep away in the closing minute, The ‘“Tron® Men’? Weaken. The Second Presbyterian “Kids” led until midway of the second half ‘when Power & Light rallied for a 20-19 lead on Pasley’s field goal and were in front, 26 to 25 with three minutes to go when the Presby- terians uncorked a 11-point ‘rally. The Power & Light “Iron Men,” playing without a substitution aver- iaged 32 years in age, while Alga ‘Rush, aged 18 was the oldest mem- ber of the victors. Trailing 9 to 12 at half time, Hobbs Feeds gradually closed the gap to catch their youthful oppo-' nents. Outshot 9 to 8 from the field the victors won from the free throw line. C. Vaughn’s charity toss on a foul by Ed Mais broke a 21-all tie in the final minute. More than aHalf Century of Service - ESTABLISHED INKANSAS CITY 1878 JENKINS MOsIc COMPANY RADIOS AND REFRIGERATION - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SHEET MUSIC AND MUSIC BOOKS ben? Se SO WALNUT Sis Ee di Kansas Ciry 13, Missoort Wfarch 3-49 : Sau he Coun nea ak ax7ty. Af turk - toting GOH gevrberig o OCvy2tewie y Cove tidal Bat hime ore yen. oT CCU nes + ott WiiLray 6 FF. Ye & otek Coy—- Gorn Lec e Crd 1s gh amatean yQK. | oe Pave Cran afta, Zin. Miz clack ty Bow whi Fprtaces 2rda gov fraud 7 Hint Whew an iC vy £ CO Cakrgor Fora Cah fe