P February 26, 1945. Mre'dJe Ee Kissell, Portis, Kansas. Dear Mr. Kissell: I acknowledge receipt of your good letter of the 20th instant and was happy to get your many slants which you so interestingly wrote about. The game at Manhattan tonight will be an indicator of the real championship. If Iowa State wins I am afraid we are going to have more on our hands that we can take care of. They have the strongest Navy unit up there and with a big contingent of men, and I wouldn't be surprised if they have the power to do a pretty good job. On the other hand, the Kansas Aggies my take them. We will just waitnand see, as we have to for all important events. - I do take The Outlook but I missed the article on the Methodist crusade. Yes, I am a Methodist, but you know I have had some of the same ideas regarding this undertaking. It looks to me as if many organizations are getting the money while getting is good. The whole thing did not strike a very responsive chord in me because it looked as if they were trying to get some money without doing the best job possible, as I viewed it. I took your letter home and Mrs. Allen and IT read it, and she said she was going to get that paper and read it, although at the present time we have not subscribed - even though al- most everybody else has. | Maybe the church is not losing any of its power, but somehow I have been wondering if we have at the present time a real vital group in the church that are doing things. Certainly it is a poor commentary on a fellow who doesn't contribute, but I would have no objection to giving my money, as I have on several different ocoasions this year and other years. We have about three different sets of contributions that we gegularly give to the church, but personally I have felt that I would rather give money to the Red Cross and some of these things that are actually saving the lives of our boys than to give money to send other missionaries out. The success and qualifications of some I am not overly enthusiastic about. If these people in all of these countries do not want to be converted, I see no reasyn why we should force our religion upon them when they seem to be happier than many of our Christians are. : |