THE CALDWELL MESSENGER. _ = : Doyle Stiles ) IM Editor and Publisher Puoone 320 CALDWELL, KANSAS Dr. Forrest C. Allen Chairman of Physical University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. te Qu Dear Doctor: Perhaps I shouldn't bother you at this time when you are in the midst of another basketball season, but, having caught the KU basketball bug while in school there, I thought 9 you might be interested in a senior high school boy who is playing here with the local team. | The boy's name is Damon Weber. He stands about six feet, three inches, and weighs around 200 pounds, and is fast for his sizee He is a defensive and rebollmding specialist, and seldom shoots; therefore has received but little publicity this year -- but is in my opinion avery good college prospect with whom you could do great things. He is financially well off and able to attend college, but at present is engaged to a high school girl here, and is contemplating immediate marriage after graduation. I think if you would get in touchwith the boy through correspondence, you might. be able to do both him and the Setcol's court squad some good. He stands high scholastic- ally, and with a Little encouragement would make an ideal college student and athletee : There is also another senior six-footer on the team, Russell Goodpasture, who has led the squad in scoring most of the year, and in whom you might be interested.