LUB OFFICERS—1944 DIRECTORS—1944 H. BARTH ARENDS CARROLL E. PRAY PRESIDENT - - - - CHARLE S CARTER KANSAS CITY ce ee es IMM. PAST PRES. - RALPH E. PERRY KAN AS A. J. HERROD CHARLES C. VAUGNHAN VICE-PRESIDENT - LEWIS H. BROTHERSON Ss od VICE-PRESIDENT - - - JOE GLANVILLE SARA OS VICE-PRESIDENT - - - - CLIF ROBERTS Roy O. LARSON iXOX NiNNKSNTX KvE.X XX X MAREN SEK _ SECRETARY-TREASURER 705 N. 6TH ST. DREXEL O8552 April 8, 1944 Mre Forrest Ce Allen University of Kansgs Lawrence, Kansas Dear “Phog"s Enclosed find a check for $6e00 which I hope you will accept for the expenses incurred on your trip to Kansas Citye Your talk was very inspiring and I know the "Champions" got a lot out of it and our members enjoyed every worde 7 Mre Charles Carter, President of the Kiwanis Club, and myself want to thank you for your taking time to come down heree — U os son Roy O- Secretary=Treasurer ROL: dew