NOTH: PLEASE LOOK THIS OVER BEFORE GIVING A LESSON FROM OUR MATERIAL. Instruction in Personal Hygiene end Good Grooming We are anxious to make our educational material just as helpful as possible in the teaching of personal hygiene and good grooming. So won't you please give us the benefit of your experience by answering the following ques- tions after you have given a lesson from our educational material: 1. Did you and your students like the “Perspiring is Healthful, but" chart?..... 2. If you are approaching the subject from the vocational angle, did you use the Grooming for the Job chartt.......... nee How did you like it)... 3. Did it furnish the desired information on personal grooming as related to deodorants? | 4, How do you like the new teaching pamphlet "Little Things Count"? 2.0 emue 5. Were the student leaflets effective?..............The Good Grooming Guide? uw... 6. If not, what additional information would You like to havel.....wcc 7. Did you find it advisable to relate the use of a deodorant to success ~-- 16 6000) 1 6e The 160tW we bO SOCIAL popularity! 8. For what purpose did you suggest the use of a deodorant (underarms, hands, feet, sanitary napkins, etc.)? Fe 9. Which of the following qualities do you feel a good deodorant should have? Should not interfere with any normal function of the body... = Be lasting.............. Be quick and easy to use ae Be suitable for use at any time (even after shaving underarms)... Be safe for use on any part of the body Be soothing to skin Be harmless to fabrics Quickly absorbs --- easy to spread... : ice Inexpensive and economical Available everywhere 10. What se sruntaate teaching publications do you like and read regularly? Which preferred? Comments OF BURG U 1 Oricon NAMB | en se scnseanaeicee ON cctec ecciueroicer sean cneseonee nae acon Ga TITLE Sia ie .GRADE.... a — Bi sirens neared 1 eine meena eee (where material was used) wRISTOL-MYERS COMPANY. 45 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N.Y.