Mereh 25, 1944. Mr. Dwight Keith, Editor, . Southern Coach and Athlete, 751 Park Drive, N.E., Atlenta, Georgia. Dear Dwight: | I was delighted to have your letter of telling me that one of the local high school a copy of “Better Basketball" to his basketball le I certainly like this idea and if you wi enough ve me the coach's name I will be happy and I leas 15th instant is awarding ttermen. . : GS g kind hin il be g i to gt thank him for his kindness to me. trust the ing in the boys' sight. Dwight, will you kindly tell me what discount MoGraw- Hill gives you on these books? I presume ten per cent. This is usually the price they give to libraries ordering the same. “ith best wishes, I am P Very sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education, FCA:AH | Varsity Basketball Coach.