PE AO AREER IER EERIE ATE GE RN : ; ee x x TES gree ae ae INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS THE UNIVERSITY OF OR LAHOMA NORMAN - OKLAHOMA September 29, 1943 Dr. F. C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Coach: 8 ; I can t seem to locate a Kansas line-up for that 1920 game. I have looked everywhere. Maybe this information will give you a clue: the newspaper story says Kansas scored its first touchdowmm on an "end run from freak for- mation with Mandeville running to the goal." Kansas led 9-0 in the first half when Morrison our fullback was thrown behind the line for a safety. The story said Jones, Kansas end,nearly recoved the ball for a touchdown, Okla- homa won the game 20-9, @ scoring just before the first half ended and twice more in the last half. I gave Bennie your greeting and he sends along a cordial "hello". Because of football I haven't had time to do any more on that basketball article. With best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Harold Keith Director Sports Publicity