Daintiness HAVEN'T YOU OFTEN seen people --- men and women, too --- expensively and beautifully dressed, fail to make a nice impression at all, while another person who has not spent nearly so much on clothes, fairly oozes per- sonality Simply because of that tubbed and scrubbed impression? Freshness and dain- tiness have a great deal to do with person- ality. Daily Bath SOAP-AND-WATER-CLEAN is a refreshing state most of us are quite accustomed to, in this day of tubs, showers and hot water. Even without these facilities, though, a soap-and- water sponge bath can do an excellent job in removing dirt, skin oil, dead skin and per- spiration. Warm water at first, followed by cool, is bothrefreshing and protecting. Then a good invigorating rubdown with a rough towel finishes off the job and leaves you with that tingling sensation of health and good will toward the world. But the Daily Bath is Not Enough OF COURSE the daily bath is essential. But it cannot prevent perspiration odor. A woman may start off crisp and fresh in the morning but as soon as she is affected by tight clothing, close atmosphere, or becomes nervous or fatigued, perspiration starts, bringing odor trouble. Of course she can't stop to run back home and take another bath. That's the reason a good deodorant brings her such a sense of security, knowing that she will stay crisp and fresh all day. let's see what some authorities have to say about: it: "There are certain points in good groom- ing we usually keep 'mum' about; ... they are usually smells. We don't like to mention them. We wouldn't dare say to Susan, 'Darling you haven't anice smell.’ It sounds so crude and we cannot bear to see the blush that would come to her face. But this is the most im- portant thing to tell you, Susan, if it's true. You cannot be smooth unless you are clean, well put together, and have a nice smell. When you start to get your ‘pin feathers,’ so to speak --- that is, when you start growing up, youmust be especially care- ful about smelling nice. But once you have taken precautions, you can forget all about it. The word we are sniffing for isof course "deodorant'. It comes in liquid or cream form and it becomes a habit. Itis to be used un- der your arms, Susan, every morning after you have bathed. We prefer very small silk shields for dresses that fit closely. We feel that we aren't setting ourself apart as an old maid when we wear dress shields with our best clothes." (1) "Remember....that in an office you come into close contact with people and to pass muster you simply have to be thoroughly clean. You may be a whiz at dictation and a general paragon but that will scarcely offset a dis- agreeable odor or an untidy appearance. A daily bath is the first essential and it is unwise to try to do without deodorants as well. And if you value your job, and your employer's sensibilities, you must stay away from onions and garlic, especially at lunch time." (2) "The daily use of a deodorant will pro- tect your clothes as well as your reputation. Neglecting this may prove costly to you. To say that friendships and jobs are at stake isn't exaggerating the situationone bit." (3) Why a Good Deodorant is Needed PERSPIRING IS A perfectly normal func- tion of the body, to (1) Regulate body temperature. (2) Help dispose of waste matter from the body. Normally the average human body gives off about a quartof perspiration aday. FPer- spiration is increased, however, by Exercise Embarrassment Fatigue Excessive heat Nervousness Tight clothing Now, in the ordinary course of a school or business day we are exposed to many dif- ferent situations which cause us to perspire. (1) SUSAN BE SMOOTH by Nell Giles; Hale, Cushman & Flint (2) IF YOU PLEASE by Betty Allen & Mitchell Briggs; J. B. Lippincott Co. (3) IT'S MORE FUN WHEN YOU KNOW THE RULES by Beatrice Pierce; Farrar & Rinehart =o =