ore than aHalf Century of Service More than aHalf Century of Service | Ss ee Creel £G pes in Cle Atay a7 - Ug He} a is yh uy artael Hi . ht i ial af We we te ay Ho ith He i is i 1 jiu ch ah it : ti Ht i i iH ! i fe ie aay tea al . HT a st rae B3 : i . fa! aH i RU | Ani : a ey sit sia! : ; KANSAS STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND APPLIED SCIENCE MANHATTAN DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY March 1, 1945 DY, FF. GC. Bilen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen: In the first place please accept my sincere congratula- tions for yourself and the splendid team representing the University of Kansas. There is no shadow of a doubt in my mind but that the Kansas team was the:-best team in the Big Six Conference and I was happy to see it demonstrated. It was with real pleasure I learned of your being voted the best basketball coach in the United States. This is a just rating of your ability and is aoe es Mike and I have voted you for many years. In the second place I wish to learn that in case Kansas defeats Creighton this week would you care to have a play-off between Kansas and Creighton at a later date to determine the Fifth District's representative? If Creighton wins the coming game there would be no need to have a play-off and the Selection Committee could simply name Creighton the representative. It would expedite matters a little if you could inform me of your wishes on this subject. Very truly yours, BH. be Ki Chairman, M.V.I.A.A. Jdenuary 19, 1945. : bla daly ft deal 3 ip rite faut; beagt tila! iia rae yi iin ails Mey ht. fy gas us 24 825% Wi iyi) Beet eiy des Guigtas jytad i i z He Se 3 hat aast / ~ i HE ri THEE fe Gill ile ha il ip: Songees Vesge Aye sity H > Hig 32 india f fai ! se it ; it Ban ca tp He ‘at alli aaa | ate id oe” oO 3 1. +. saal il GAN Sil Hil ay EAB ois iil; HF 24 ul i HBG igs al hi Lil al 9 i nt 5 jie} u ugh i i H ai ite lait i ni a : Me i itis fe us a i Aer sky dir ; i He! Hi if i; hag ie A ae Hae iii cl Hae ane i ne He ft ie aati ej i ti i uh iF rr ta] ne 1 ta Hh atte 7 Ha i i bs a inl Git Hetil ths f il HE ili : 3 ie ; ait. site h a a nil MH it Hy i li i : : 8 ; iin 33 a if ui sla Hn i | Ih iid i i $53 Hifi ait 34 Wy ; tein oa adnaaeds § ie Uf 10 i! F i f : : ry ri iB Hl i i ti F i ia nbe nit! ca ‘i! tan | TA is % b uf it it Lie laity ia oF ge tgedas aga iP i! i is i fi i ; ia3 i 1 h fH sf el ails tH i th i a He tel é 3 Wp ii ii Sincerely yows, DMareoter of Varsity : a ee chy she bee as: cia a FPCA:AH January 22, 1943. Cordially yours, : Director of Physical Baucation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. January 22, 1943. Professor K. W¥. Davidson, Journalism Building. Dear K. We: Just bringing you up on some pusilannimous athletic verbiage. You might be called in to witness in a first degree murder case! Sincerely yours, . Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. January 22, 1945. Mr. Co Ee MoBride, Kangas City, Hoe Dear Mac: | Just thought I wanted to put academioian like Dean Adams in his place. I love to do that occasionally! good How Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach _ January 22, 1 945. Dean E. P. Puckett, Fayette, Missouri. Dear EB. Pe: I just wanted to clear up this Adams case for the benefit of all concerned, and am sending you this carbon copy of my letter to bring the history up to date. | fhenks for your good letter of last year. Please show this to Cling, if he is in town. Cling said he never heard of the guy. well, I have, but I don't care much about hin. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. January 22, 1945. Mrs George Powers, a 608 Fourth National Bank Bldg.,. Wiehita, Kansas. Dear Georger It took a long time but I have finished it. I believe : things than that, but I did not want to go too far. : Just wanted to put ii. Adams in his rightful place. = g ‘ E g # Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Rducation, FOA:AH - Varsity Basketball Coach. denuary 22, 1943. Professor W. We Davis, University of Kansas. Dear We Wes ee ee an explanation, so here it is. Cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. Jenuary 22, 1943. Mr. Jim Reed, Topeka Daily Capital, Topeka, Kansas. Dear Jim: Mike Ahearn sent me your clipping and I promised him that I would take the load besause I had initiated the thing. You will remember when the thing broke I was given full credit for it, and I assumed it and still assume it. Trust everything is going fine with you. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:sAH Varsity Basketball Coach. TK January 22, 1943. Mr. Reaves Peters, 342 So. Chelsea Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Dear Reaves: This is the last echo of the Oklahoma situation of a year ago. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. January 22, 1945. Dr. George Esterly, 8012 Mass. St., Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor George: / This is the last echo of the Oklahom situation of a year ago. Cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. Jenuary 22, 1943. Dr. Don Carlos Peete, Medical Arts Building, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Dre Peete: This is the last echo of the Oklahoma situation of a year ago. Cordially yours, Disetor of ‘hysical Education, FCA: AH | Varsity Basketball Coach. January 22, 1943. Mr. Charles Chamberlin, c/o Associated Press, New York City. Dear Charlie: This is a lot of water over the dam, but was since you were in Kansas City when the fuss on I thought I would give you the last echo. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. January 19, 19435. Dre He He King, : Kansas State College, Mentettan, Kansas. Dear Dr. King: I think the PBI is overlook! a bet when they don't reach out and mb Arthur B. Adams. He would be a real Hawieshews | Sincerely yours, 2 Director of Physical Education, FCA:Al Varsity Basketball Coach. January 19, 1945. Mro Ma F. Ahearn, Director of Athletics, Kansas State College, Vanheatten, Kansas. ' Dear Michael: I told you that I would do it, but it took a long time to get around to it, so I just dood it. I em sending a copy to Dr. King so that he will see I am still not afraid to stick my neck out when I an responsibie for a situation. Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Eiucation, — : Varsity Basketball Coach. January 19, 1943. Chancellor Deane W. Malott, University of Kansas. Dear Chancellor Malotts Here*s a letter —! + Sie os » Which you hate to read, but I am at it again) to Harold Keith. Mike Ahearn end Dre King last year felt that they had been unjustly accused as the protesters of Tucker of Oklahoma. This is ee ee The main part that I am desir- Siuetwrely yours, : Director of Physical Education, FCA sAH Varsity Basketball Coach. January 19, 1943. Kr. Maurice L. Breidenthal, President, Kansas City, Kansas. Dear Maurice: 7 ZI know you told me not to do it, but I dood it ‘anyhow. I have been waiting a long time for this bird, and now iet him speak or forever hold his peace. Cordially yours, Direotor of Physical Education, PCA: At Vaeraity Basksatball Coach. Eno. January 5, 1943. University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma. Dear Harold: This will introduce to you two of our K.U.- boys, Don Pomeroy and John Busboom, who desire to see our game against Oklahoma Saturday night. Any courtesy you are able to extend to them will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FPCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. January 7, 1945. Mr. Scotty Knox, 1540 Louisiana &t., Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Scotty: -E peeeninlyy (got a wale) 40: veverue: lax’ lonley land ut the enthusiasm displeyed by you as cheerleader. During football season you were all pepped up over the cheerleading, but I never saw such lassitude ae you showed Monday night. What happened, Scotty? Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coash.