ESSENTIALS OF GOOD GROOMING The ideal program for personal grooming includes these essentials: For Women 1. Daily bath or shower --- a nice lathery one to remove all traces of dead skin and dried perspiration. 2. Deodorant used regularly. After every bath; in the morning and in the evening before going out. 3. Underarms shaved frequently --- a real 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. help in discouraging odor. Teeth brushed carefully and gums massaged at least twice daily ---with a good tooth paste. Makeup sparingly to give a wholesome effect. a spotless powder puff. carefully selected and applied Use . Fresh stockings every day. Cream deodorant to soothe and protect perspiring feet. Fresh underclothes every day ---at least bra and panties. Wash girdles frequently. Hair brushed thoroughly every day and washed every 10 days to 2 weeks. Keep brush and comb clean. after each combing. Nails kept clean with nail brush and man- icured at least once a week. Redo chipped nail polish betweentimes. Clothes brushed for each wearing. Pressed frequently. Dresses always aired overnight before hanging in closet. Dresses washed or cleaned frequently. Accessories ---collars, gloves, handker- chief, kept crisply clean. Buttons and snaps sewed in place. Shoes cleaned, brushed or polished. Heels never run over. Brush shoulders - 10. Ede 12. 13. 14. - Nails kept clean with nail brush. For Men Daily bath or shower --- a nice lathery one toremove all traces of dead skin and dried perspiration. Deodorant used regularly. After every bath; in the morning and in the evening before going out. Underarms shaved frequently --- a real help in discouraging odor. Teeth brushed carefully and gums massaged at least twice daily ---with a good tooth paste. A clean-shaven face is especially impor- tant and few men can present this impres- sion without shaving daily. Fresh socks every day. Cream deodorant to soothe and protect perspiring feet. Fresh underwear every day. Hair kept well in place. Brush daily. Have trimmedand shampoo frequently. Keep brush and comb clean. Brush shoulders after each combing. Trin them at least once a week and push back cuticle after each washing. Clothes brushed for each wearing. Pressed frequently. Suits always aired overnight before hang- ing in closet. Suits cleaned frequently. Fresh shirt and collar daily; tie spot- less and well-pressed. Shoes kept polished and heels never run over.