Ze same fundamentals, It is the author's hope herein to sell to the coaches the idea of teaching shadow basketball to immature youngsters before permitting them to handle the ball, By watching the coach-instructor demonstrate the pimy with the ball and then by being directed to go slowly through the mechanics of the play without the ball, junior high school boys will acqiire the correct , mechanics of fundamental basketball before they reach high school. — Each individual instructor can outline his own series of fundamental offensive and defensive movements for such mimetics. There is available at the University of Kensas a ; | twoereel motion picture film in which all the fundamental movements are elaborately described, step by step. After the more simple fundamentals have been mastered the groups can then work in pairs. Alternate rows can handle the imaginary ball, while the other rows can act as guards and face them, constantly keeping their 3 ft. distance from the ball handlers by the use of guard steps. Push or Chest Shot 1. Step left foot forward with weight on balls of both feet, with knees half bent, and with imaginary ball held waist high ond somewhat in front of body. 2. Shoot, rising on toes, extending legs, except that the ball is carried inward and upward along the chest, preliminary to the extension of the arms in shooting. Follow through with body in full extension but avoid strained or tensed position. As ball leaves hands with a snap, the thumbs and palms should be pointed upward and fingers should point toward the line of flight. Se Drop hands to knees with the body in a full crouch, ready to push