August 13, 1941. Wr. Claude Kissick, Superintendent of Schools, Wellington, Kansas. Dear Mr. Kissick: Your inquiry regarding Mr. Cade Suran is at hand. You will pardon me for not knowing the exact location of Mir. Suran at the present time. I have had him in my coach- ing school classes, but for the moment I cannot locate hin in his present position. As I recall he is a Southwestern graduate, but I cannot intelligently describe his work until I can place him in his present and previous positions. A few years ago I had quite an extended correspondence with him and with his employer, but it is rather hasy for the moment. Will you be kind enough to amplify his background so that I may write you promptly regarding my opinion of his qual- ifications? I em leaving the latter part of this week for the Towa State High School Athletic Association ) school to be held at Boone, Iowa, from August 18 to 23. Clark Shaughnessy, Bernie Bierman, Henry Iba and I will attempt to instruct the coaches assembled there. At these eoaching schools which I have each summer I meet hundreds . of coaches and it is so easy to confuse them that I cesire to be as specific and as accurate as possible in my recom mendations. : With appreciation and best wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, Direetor of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.