. Qeteber 30, 1946 Mire Willian Kineaid Field Xindley Memorial High Sehool Peteny eet ity Kansas Dear Bille Yos, I renenber distinctly about your asking about the basketball niotures of the ee and the Kansas-Southern California FRMOS The pictures were sent out during the summer and they heve not been returned as yets; in fact, Bill, my om basketball equad has seen neither the Indiana, Southern California, or the Rice picturese They aro all out and I am afraid to promise you the pictures because they wore taken by the NeCeAsde and I would have to get permission fron them to send the pictures te youe As much as I would like to do this, I am afraid the ee ee yOUs I am wondering: sit ci: bniea: diced ee Pasian ote films on basketball fundamentalss I shot these pictures for the Bastman Kodak Company with out basketball team consisting of Ray ‘Ucble, Francis Kapplemn, Gordon Gray, Milton Allen, and that group of everevictorious 1956 boyss Their fundamentals are renarimble and I am sure that. if you would want to show the squad ball-handling chee Faas wees 20 Seek Detter Tenn Se Cetny Peers that were taken in Kansas Citys The photography is not good on the NeCeleie films. You doubtless saw them in Topeka, and although I did not get to witness their showing, having been called out, the boys who saw them re very bade — I trust you will not be disappointed in pictures to you because part of them were sent to Olsen of Ohio State, and part of them to Major Griffith's offices Although we have written for the pictures we have not heard as yet regarding their dispositions a eee oturese