/More than aHalf Century of Service ESTABLISHED IN KANSAS CITY I878 ENKINS M0sic COMPANY RADIOS AND REFRIGERATION - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SHEET MUSIC AND MUSIC BOOKS tat aS: WALNUT SrReEETt: Kansas Ciry, Missoort - fuk 22-41 Rane hey htt, for OFC ATI gown ANN et OTC Gen ay frend fw Co 1¢ coma CAW7 +hpnt Ff © “ tam lens ee Peery ie COAL Thy Zein Drege Brrhen YW Yor La fe ee AF Et yrs Fleas Kowaga UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS DIVISION OF MILITARY SCIENCE AND TACTICS WK:ft LAWRENCE, KANSAS February 24, 1941. Dr. Forrest Ce. Allen, Department of Physical Education, University of Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: I have your kind letter and enclosure of letter to Professor Wilkens regarding admission of Glee Club to basketball games. I regret very much that these gentlemen still think they are not being afforded every attention in our serious endeavors to admit them to gamese I shall continue to make special efforts to minimize their complaints. At the last game, in spite of the fact that all who came to my attention were told where to go for admittance, and my tearful pleas to them to stay off seats set alongside courts wese reserved for the state legislators, these temperamental artists insisted on sitting any~ where and everywhere. Please rest assured that I am doing all humanly possible to abide with your request and cater to the wants of those in question. Sincerely, iff WILLIAM KOLLENDER. March 5, 1942 lire Lester District WPA Office Public Utilities Building Salina, Kansas Dear Lester: I em enclosing a carbon copy of a letter I have written to Gene Billups, suggesting that he communicate with youe Doubtless you will him shortlye hear Within a day or two I will send you list of our physical education majors who will this springe Sincerely yours, - Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketbell Coach rte March 7, 1941 Honorable Ne Kelly Mayor of Hutchinson Hutchinson, Kansas Dear Mayor Kellys it was very thoughtful of you to wire us that you were returning the basketball seats special delivery with their descriptions At such a time as this when é¢very ticket is needed, such thoughtfulness as yours is much appreciated. ; We are sorry indeed that you could not be here as you have always been good luck to use With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FAslg CLASs OF SERVICE 1201 - SYMBOLS _ = es is a ae DL=Day Letter elegram or Cable- = am unless its de- (4 6: ) NL=Nighe Letter erred character is in- : LC=Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter Coding the address. R. B. WHITE Seo CARLTON J. Cc. WILLEVER a Ship Radiogram ( PRESIDENT. 3S Se es SSHAInMA N OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination KAV19 12=HUTCHINSON KANS c cae B41MAR 7 my g DR F C€ PHOG ALLEN= 46 ‘RETURNING SEATS SPECIAL DELIVERY& ROW D SECTION 8 SEATS 1 TO 4. ‘WILLIS N KELLY eee 7 D8 1 46 THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE March 44, 1941 iis Harold Keith Sports Publicity Director University of Oklehom _ Norman, Oklehom Dear Harolds May I thank you for the *steenth time for your manifold & in giving me more than I always deserve. However, you have been so generous upon so many occasions, and especially at this lest one, that I thank you sincerely. _ ied I had my way long ago you would have been working for the University of Kansas, You are naturally strong for your own native heathe But the thing thet impresses ms so — indelibly is the fact that you see manifold goodmesses and talents in the other fellow's worke For that reason I characterize you as an outstanding and eminent journalist and newspaper TAR» | With continued best wishes to you and your young and growing family end with kindest regards to Mrse Keith, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bdueation and Reereation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach FAslg DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL LDUCATION Lawrence, Kansas. March 21, 1941 Dear Fellow K-ifen: There has been much speculeticn over the campus regarding Dandelion Daye Mey I revert back to 1921 and tell you an incident that took the campus by storm? After the Kanses-Nebraska football game on November 13, 1920, Kansas, being ee outweighed 26 pounds to the man, came back from a Nebraska first half with a 20 to O scwe against them. ‘/e made three touch downs on forward passes erbinet the Cornhuskers in the last half. ‘the final score was 20 to 20 with a goal to kick and Kansas missed it, but that did not detract from the splendid 20 to 20 victory achieved that day over Nebraska. On Monday morning in Robinson Gymnasium the students of the University subscribed %160,000 of their money to build a stadium. In May, 1921, Chancellor Lindley, in his first year, geve the students a holiday for the purpose of tearing down old McCook Field's wooden bleechers. The organization work was done by the engineers and the students of the University rallied that May morning and did a wonderful job and saved the Athletic Association some 310,000. The women of the University served the meal out of doors. Then in the afternoon the day was turned over to sporting events and the entire University turned out en masse to olaye The K-Men of the University hd charge of the sports. Now, twenty years from thet date, a new Chancellor has arrived on the scene and he is giving a holiday to the students. It is wholly up to them as to what they will do with it. But I am hoping that the K-Men of the University take hold of this project and show the administration that they have the leader- ship necessary to put this holiday over with a bang. If there are any pikers in the entire group of University students, they should not be in the K-Club. Let's have our group working 100% both from a cooperative and ean enthusiastic viewpoint. Whether you know it or not, the K-Men are a very dominant force on the campuse You can make this holiday a great tradition and it will go down year after year as something durable and worthwhile. The only reason that we call this Dandelion Day is because no other great project appeared on the imaginative horizon of the student committee. Vhy cannot the K-Club with other leaders find a day sach year that will redound to the pleasure, benefit, and durability of great traditions on « great University of Kansas campus? I trust each and everyone of you K-Men will support your President, Quido Massare, in everything that he attempts to do to raise the morale of the K-Club and their efficiency to the high level that it deservese Ate at = e i : ) a2. ee i MA ‘= /_..4& K=Club Wenber , o if i. Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach eek MSW 4 jitdnaaile ty eae oS Throh 25, 1941 Mre Hector We. Kay Graduate Research Worker Young Men's Christian Assn, 1441 Drummond Street Nontreal, Canada Tear Mire Kays In reply to your request of tmrch 18, I am enclosing herewith a copy of our bulletin of the Separtment of Physical Pducatione Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach oe = A. E. SARGENT, CHAIRMAN c. S. RICHARDSON, VICE-CHAIRMAN G. ERNEST TRUEMAN, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 5 THis: YOUNG MUER’sS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF MONTREAL ORGANIZED I85/ CENTRAL BRANCH; 1441 DRUMMOND STREET March 13, 1941. The Director of Physical Education. Dear Sir: Some time ago I sent you s reouest for your 1940-41 catalog from which I could obtain information relative to your teacher training curriculum in Physical tducation for 1940-41. Unfortunately, I have not yet heard from you, so vould like again to solicit your cooperation in this matter. As you will be aware, the problems involved in Physical Hducation curricula are numerous and difficult of solution. Therefore any light which ean be thrown on this subject should be valuable not only to the profession as a whole; but also to each individual institution prevaring teachers in this field. This is the hope which prompts the study I am making. Therefore may I hope thet your catalog will come to hand in th near future. : Very sincerely yours, i. Graduate Research A. E. SARGENT. CHAIRMAN Cc. S- RICHARDSON, VICE-CHAIRMAN G. ERNEST TRUEMAN, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY TH YOuUNG MIEN?PS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF MONTREAL ORGANIZED 1851 CENTRAL BRANCH: 1441 DRUMMOND STREET January 29, 1941. The Director, Department of Physical Education. In 1929 a committee of the American Physical EZducation Association under the chairmanship of the late Dr. J. H. McCurdy made a study "on the curriculum of the 139 Institutions preparing Teachers of Physical Education in the United States." The published result of this study is now, of course, out of date, and also out of print. To bring the study up to date; and, if possible to distinguish trends during the past eleven years, the Graduate Committee of Springfield College, Sprinsfield, Mass., has asked me to conduct a similar study relative to the curricula of 1940-41. As an institution preparing teachers of Physical Education I would like you to send me your catalog for 1940-41, from which I could secure information concerning your courses of study, hour requirements, etc. It is my intention to analyze the catalog of each institution, tabulate the results, and submit the analysis to the college or university concerned for approval. These approved summaries would then be compiled to give a complete picture of Physical Education training practices throughout the country. In a study of this kind, valuable as it may be, the results are directly proportional to the vercentage of returns secured. Therefore I hope that I may count on your cooperation in sending me the catalog requested. Sincerely yours, fcr lb. Keg Graduate Research April 3, 1941 Mire Se We Kuykendall CCC Coe Commander Company 752 Camp Thayer, Se Ce Se=20 Hebron, Nebraska . Tear Commander Kuykendall ; The game which you deseribe in your letter of March 30 should be administered by the referee and the official scorer, The referee has power to call the official scorer into conference and whatever the score was on the official score sheet is the official scores we Regardless of what was done at the end of the regulation playing time the referee should award the game to Team A, winner by two pointse Whatever took place after the termination of the game would not matter because at the end of the regulation playing time Teem A was ahead by two pointse The referee should award the game to Team Ae The official score is the determining score, and wmiless there was a statement by the official scorer other than the may you deseribe it to me, then the referee could only amnounce the score as shown on the official seorer's books Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach HEADQUARTERS 752nd. Company CCC Hebron, Nebraska | Mareh 30, 1941 Phog Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: This situatkon occurred in a basketball tournament recently. At the end of the game the score board showed Team A to be the winner by 2 points. Both teams left the floor and started dressing. The official scorer then announced that the game was a tie. The teams were called back and in an overtime period team B won and was awarddd the game and are still officially recognized as the winners. On rechecking the official scofe sheet it was found that the original score was corredt and Team A was ahead by 2 points.at the end of the game. The offical scorer concurred in this. Team A had stalled during the last few seconds of the game in the belief that they were ahead. Request your opinion on which team should be the winner. Lh berdell S. Wa. NDA LL oie a Commander HEADQUARTERS 752nd_ Company CCC Hebron, Nebrasica Maren 30, 1941 Phog Allen University of Kansas LowPrenee , Kaneas Dear Sir? This situation occurredgin a basketball tournament recently. At the end of the game the score board showed Team A to be the winner by 2 points. oth teams left the floor and started dressing. The official scorer then announced that the game was a tie, The teams were ealled back and in an overtime period team B won and was awarddd the game and are still officially recognized as the wimersds on rechecking the official score sheet it was found that the original score was correét and Team A was ahead by 2 points.at the end of the gamo, ‘The offieal scorer concurred in thiss Team A had stalled during the last few seconds of the game in the belief that they were ahead. Request your opinion on which team should be the winner, Se We KUYKENDA LL CCC Cos Comzander April 5, 1941 Mre Frank H, Kaufman Se He Camp & Company S30 Fifth Avenue . New York, New York Dear li, Kaufman: Thank you for your good letter of March 26.6 I would appreciate it very much if you could send me 28 of these bookletse I will be very happy to cooperate in promoting better posture for your National Postute week as of tay 5 to 106 | I think your booklet is very interesting and I an sure it will do much gocds Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Besketbell and Baseball Coach Featig S.H.CAMP and COMPANY JACKSON, MICHIGAN OFFICE OF FRANK H. KAUFMAN 330 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK March 26th, 1941 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas Lawrence, Kanse Dear Mr. Allen: National Posture Week will be observed this year from May 5th to 10th and as part of this program we are again making available a new booklet, sample of which is enclosed, for issuance to schools, colleges and health groups who are interested in participating in this important movement, which medical authorities everywhere have endorsed. Last year we received a tremendous response from educators and public health groups throughout the country and records disclose the gratifying interest that was stimulated as the result of this activity. Many educators have already indicated that they are planning programs to observe this occasion be- cause of the prevailing interest in health as it relates to defense. Copies of the enclosed booklet are offered to you free in limited quantities as our contribution to public health education in America. If you desire a supply of these, may we ask that your request for them be sent by return mail? Upon receipt of your request these will be promptly dispatched, together with a page of suggestions as to how to use the booklet, as well as other ideas which you may wish to consider. Respectfully yours, S. H. CAMP & COMPANY Prah W. FHK:NP Ene. April 24, 1942 ' Sete Kollenders Z wish to report that Dorus Munsinger went with our baseball enn to Norman, Oklahoma on April 16, and also reported to tasebali practice on Monday, April 2le Therefore, he wae vot present for Military brill on these two dayse Director of Physical Rducation and Recreation Varsity Baskethall and Baseball Coech EUREKA PUBLIC SCHOOLS W.C. KAMPSCHROEDER, SuPT. EUREKA, KANSAS April 30, 1941 Dr. F., CC. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Permit me to state that we are looking forward to your presence at the fourth annual "E" Club banquet of the ureka Senior High School, Thursday evening, May 1. The time is 7 o'clock, and the place is in the Christian church basement. We expect between 175 and 200 persons to be present at the banquet. Sincerely yours, A. ©, ann perch urohey wek/bh . X- . | S 7 Wo { é iA ‘nf 7 eG a ut f \ / ' \ June 17th, 1941 \ Mr. Lester B. aves Ass't. State Supervisor of Recreation Federal Works Agency Work Projects Aduwinistration Topeke, a6 a ci Sinica EE TE: Dear Lester: I felt perhaps that our visit in the hotel in Manhattan, Kansas, sufficed in the way of an enswer to your letter of May 22nd. However, I'm writing you to tell you that John Burge is employed in the Recreation work in Kensas City play grounds for the sumer and has accepted a position as teacher at the Raytown High School, just south and east of Sensas City, for next fall. . Ralph Dugan is here in Lawrence at the present time due to the fact that Mrs. Dugan is suffering from pneumonia in the hospital and will not be released for another week. 1 have not seen Ramie Biems since Commencement. But we told all of those boys if they were interested to come over for en interview. It is my honest opinion that you could not get a detter and a more efficient man than Ralph Dugan. I have great confi in his ability and his integrity. TI used aim as ny imam bi ball coach and for four years he worked in the supply roome “ all of this time I found him efficient, loyal, anc trustworthy. I would bet my lest dollar on Red Dugent. He will never fail you | and will do a successful job. With all good wishes, I an, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edueation and | Recreation-Varsity Basketball and PCA: re ; Baseball Coach. : FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION KANSAS May 22, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director, Dept. of Physical Education for Men, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Doc": Sometime ago I talked to you about available recreation leaders graduating from your department this spring. At the time, the names of Ralph Dugan, Rudy Beims and John Burge were mentioned in particular. Since then, Mr. Dugan has made formal application with us and he is going to interview Mr. Joseph P. McGinley, State Supervisor of Recreation regarding employment on Friday of this week. We plan to add several people to our staff in the immediate future .nd I suggest to you that if Mr. Beims and Mr. Burge are interested that they come over for an interview at the same time as Mr. Dugan. I see that your baseball team is winning a few ball games and hope that I will get to see them in action before the season is over. Sincerely yours, Ee B. Kappe oe SFL 't. State Supervisor of Recreation. LBK: ih June 18th, 1941 Miss Geraldine K, Knox Garden City Schools ~ Garden City, Kensas Deer Miss Knox: In sbme fashion, your letter came to my desk and wae mislaid. And, I find that I failed to answer the same but am now doing so enc trust that the information I'm able to give you will not be too late. | You do not mention the talented student's name but I'm / very sure that we could promise her work at thirty five cents per hour. This is the rate we pay students for helping around the department. We have just engaged a teacher of dance for next year. Miss Mabel Schilling, graduate of the University of Illinois. She comes highly recommended and I'm very sure that your protegee would reeeive very excellent training from Miss Schilling. We have a fine women's department. Miss Ruth Hoover is the head of our department. She is a graduate of the University of Illinois and of Columbia Teachers College of New York. Miss Hoover teaches sports anc games. Miss Joie Stapleton, graduate of the University of Kansas and of Colubbia Teachers College, who previously was | Supervisor of Physical Education in the Kansas City Public Shhools, has charge of our feacher's #peining for Swimming. So, I'm very sure this young ledy will receive some very wholesome anc valusble instruction. I trust this information is not too late for your purposes. Sincerely, . Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation-Yarsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FCA: re * dime 18th, 1941 Miss Ceraldine K, Knox Gerden City Schoois Garden City, Aensas Dear Miss Knox: In some fashion, your letter came to my desk and was mislaid and I find that I failed to answer the ~ same but am now doing so and trust that the information I'm shle to give you will not be too late. ! 2 You do not mention the talented student's neme but I'm very sure that we could promise her work at thirty five cents per hour. ‘This is the rate we pay students for help with work around in departments. “ We have just engaged a teacher of dence for noxt - year. Miss Mabel Schilling, graduate of the University of Illinois, She comes nighly recommended and I'm very sure that your protegee would receive very excellent training from Miss Hie have & fine women's department. Miss Ruth Soover 4s the head of our department. She is a graduate of the University of Illineis and of Columbia Teachers College of New York. Mise Hoover teaches sports and games. : Yiss Joie Stapleton, graduate of the University of Kansas and of Columbia Teachers Gallegs. who previously was Physical Education Instructor in the “anses City Public Schools, has charge of our teacher's training for swimming. 3 So, £'m very sure this young lady will receive sone very wholesoue and valuable instruction. I trust this information is not too late for your purposes. Sincerely, : : Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and FCA: re 3 Baseball Coach.