THE NORMAN TRANSCRIPT Entered at the Norman, Okie., Postoffice as second class mail matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 18723 NORMAN, OKLAHOMA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1940 ae Parley Is Co; r ‘Molotov, left; a 1. Adoif Hitler, on right, tier’s Berlin chancellory. Secrecy still cloa. between. the two men. This is an NEA te “ FQ o 1 oe -_ Py “ BULLETINS rho Ob RP PrP OF! LAWRENCE, Nov. 14—(U.P)—Dr. Forrest C. “Phog” Allen, basket- ball coach at the University of Kansas, in a statement to the University Daily Kansan, said to- day that. if the Big Six conference had. a commissioner, as does the Pacific Coast conference, there would “be summary action” in connection with the transfer of Gerald Tucker from Kansas State college to the University of Okla- homa. In his statement to the campus daily, Doctor Allen said he didn't desire to take “chips” in the controversy and then added: “Many ulity managers have re- sented so called sutside interfer- ence with their affairs. Just so long as big business dabbles in athletic affairs of universities and. colleges as apparently was the case in the above incident, then other college sports will become more of a business than a recrea- tive pastime. I had heped that basketball would not become com- | oe mercialized._ Apparently. an. Qklas... homa utility company wants to put | basketball in the ‘big time’ which is allegedly ‘deplorable in other ‘sports.” Under the confer- ence interpretation -of ‘the rules, ; Tucker probably will be ineligible to play in the first. semester next year, Coach Psa ca’ et cae ‘Nay 4. by ora I ‘1 pr of Ak oD. Bu tic : eli DEPARTMENT OF UNIVERSITY UTILITIES Che University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma Nov. 19, 1940 WALTER W. KRAFT, SUPT. Dr. W.W. Davis University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr.Davis:. I am enclosing herewith a newspaper clipping regarding a statement which was reported to have been made by Dr. Forrest C. Allen, basketball coach at the University of Kansas, concerning the transfer of Gerald Tucker from Kansas State College to the University of Uklahoma, . We here at the University of Uklahoma assume that Dr. Allen would not have made this statement unless he had some reason for making it. it seems to me that it would have been better to have brought this matter directly to our attention if Dr. Allen thought that there was anything irregular in the transfer of this young man. in justice to the University of Uklahoma, we feel that Dr. Allen should now give us the information which he insinuates that he has. We would, therefore, appreciate your obtaining from Dr. Allen, any information that would tend to show that Mr. Tucker transferred to the University of Uklahoma because of pressure or interference on the part of some utility maneger. I discussed this matter with Mr. Bruce Drake our basketball coach and he advised me that he has not directly, or indirectly, tried to in- fluence Mr. Tucker to transfer. I have also discussed this matter with Gerald Tucker and he advised me that he made his decision to transfer to the University of Uklahoma of his own accord. He felt that he would be happier here and that he could get the school work which he desired more satisfactorily here than at Kansas State, and that since his family - was anxious to have him come to the University of Uklahoma, he decided to make the change. He communicated with the Registrar and Dean Gittinger through his brother and found that he could transfer without loss of school work. President Bizzell has been greatly concerned about the statement made to the press and has asked that I communicate with you in the hope of securing further information on this situation. 1 would therefore greatly appreciate receiving information in the possession of Dr. Allen in support of his statement to the press. Sincerely yours, Uhpneceitoge We W Represen ative, ue Peta ° ; 1949. Fue SEMICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF THE UNIVERSITY. OF *OKLAHOMA—I 942 Februery 11, 1941 Mre Kerl Kleoz 123 Frank Strong Fall University of Kansas Dear Karl: I sent you 2 carbon copy of a letter that I wrote to Frank "Pete" Beusch on January 23, but I was not eble to contact him in Wichitae Perheps he smelled a mouse and did not show upe However, I will make another effort in the very near future. Somehow I feel thet there is a way to collect this from this non-appreciative fellow end I will pledge you my every cooperetion in doing so==nor will I forget it with this second letter to yous. I will keep after hime | : If there sre any other “in arrear" ethletes that I oan cooperate with in the collection of pest debts, I will be happy to dO S06. . fineerely yours, PC! *1g:min Director of Physical Fducation and Pecreation Varsity Basketball Coach THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Srupent Loan Funp BUSINESS OFFICE DEC 31 1940 AST DUE NOTICE Your note of s 00-00 os and Interest of 5 2E.ES02 Very respectfully yours, KARL KLOOZ, Treasurer. Please bring this notice with you! February 20, 1941 Mrs Clint Kanaga Jenkine Music Company 1217<23 Yalmt Street — Kansas City, Vissouri Dear Clint: The magne before the Nebraska game, which was on February 10, every ticket was sold for the Oklahoma game to be played on March 7. I ask yous do you think Kansas needs a field house? However, we are teling advantace of your sean: choice and sending you four tickets for the Oklahoma A» and Me gariee I am sorry we have none left for the Oklahoma game. ‘Please acknowledge receipt of these tickets, because they will not be insured, and we would like to know if you receive theme Sincerely yours, FCA:lg:min Director of Physical Edueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach Ce" bust Sat Ieernthbann More than aHalf Century of Service ESTABLISHED IN KANSAS CITY I878 JENKINS M0sic COMPANY ee RADIOS AND REFRIGERATION - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SHEET MUSIC AND MUSIC BOOKS f2t7 -2:3° WALNUT SiR Ee re Kansas Crry, Missoort Ad SF-0E4) Poe aa fread.