Merch 13, 1941 fe Gee, you are a regular fellowe There are few people who will take the initiative to write, let alone encloses a cheek with their lettere You are not only « celebrity but a celubrity, And does Jack Ballard appreciate the things that you are doing for hime Miesourie By now he is the most loyal fellow to Kansas that you can the pep, enthusiasm and personality to mke him ¢ one of the great boys in this round ball indoor sporte . Of course, I am silly enough to have taken baseball, but I like to got out of doors. However, I am going to call you up Someday reel soon and drive up to Topelm to have a luncheon date with you = just for you end még We will have a short visitation to renew old Baldwin days when Lamar Hoover was your rivale i appreciate your expressions of loyalty and heartily agree with you that there are many faireweather friendse Nothing succeeds like success, you knows Somehow I leok ahead to the future with optimism for our basketball prospects and I want to say that you definitely have been a potent power in adding to that optinisns With all good wishes and appreciation, I an, Sincerely yours, se Ak Director of Physical Education and Recreation MAsig ; Varsity Basketball and Baseball coach