FCAllen---page two, Mch. 29th. you worked the combination to get the best results as far as you could. Another extra good forward would have helped, but as it was, you Had an unusual season and it was a real credit to your coaching genius. I like to think of what a heard said once=---Success consists in doing the best you can under the circumstances. : So much for that. I'11 havé to start to shut off here somewhere, or this will come to you in chapters. The big game at KC is now over and tho I really wanted our western team to win, I was a little afraid of Wisconsin and as it turned.put it now appears (on short notice) that the Wash. State defense cou old the Wisconsin boys off and only the long shooting of that one boy, guess it was Gebhart, saved State, though there at last State made a threat, Judge you were there and I recall a year ago as I was at that game and I have never forgiven the gods of fate that they did not let Kansas win after that great last-ditch stand you fellows made in the several last games. Will hope that some of these times you can get a team lined up there on the Hill that can win the national, that is the NCAA, But - there are many odds against going thru that whole thing, season and all, to vicotry in final game. Seems to me interest there is not so strong with Kansas out, or at least some team of the immediate section. m good but looks like it ‘ne game See you are on baseball and hope you ma needs some building for a year or two. It is I 'shant! go into the football talk they had’ about you last fall. I felt sure some of the fellows misquoted you some, that is in wanting to see football die out. I feel about like you. I like football and hope it stays in some form but I shudder to see a boy ruined--maybe a 150-pound boy who is injured in a tangle with fellows 50 to I00 pounds heavier. Letter today from our Congressman (Carlson) and he takks confidentially on the war outlook and makes me almost shudder again, = I think Max feels he had a good year in basketball-there but he feels — I rather think, that he could not hit as he had hoped to, or rather ashe did out here. He hat everything out here but I told him he would not hit, at least for a while there due to change of surroundings and then to stiffer competition and feel he may be lucky to have real stiff competition this year as I take it the 'fresh{ team was pretty good, elieve Max likes just about everything there and thanks to you for any considerations” or favors you have extended. There is no way I can repay, I guess, except’ to be thankful and try to be a friend in any way I can. And by and large, that is something, Doc in at least a lot of cases as a fellow goes on down a the road we must all take. = otal sw Warm as blazes here this p. m. Had lots m@&ature past few months and ought to have crops; but no outlook now on wheat market. . #, Regards to you and also Bob and the Mrs. and all and keep rolling and hope to see you some time. ‘Might be down“ S little later this spring. llax may be home Easter. Sincerely, etissell, Portis.