June 17, 1942. P.F.C. Clinton Lanaga, : oe. Company C, Candidates Class, Marine Berracks, Dear Clint: | It doesn't seem fifteen days since you wrote me a letter from Quantice, but that is the fact. I had a call from your dad regarding one of the athletes in Kansas City, Churchill by name, and I teld him of sourse I would help him in every pessible way. Your dad never leses a ee everyone to possess. I like the style of your letter. You weren't asking for | 3, but you were willing to give a good stiff fight for a commission and I am sure that you will land one. Here's wishing you all kinds of suecess, and if at any time I can help you please do not fail to call upon me. I will respend immediately and with due ferce and emphasis in your behalf. I see that you have been in Washington several times, and I know how you enjoy that wonderful city. I never tire of going out te the Linceln Monument and walking up the steps to be stimu- lated to an unusual degree by the wonderful masterpiece of Daniel Chester French. It seems to mo as if that sad face of Lincoln actually speaks to yous It ia a wonderful eppartantty Wo visit Washington, ant Z imagine that during the stress of war Washington is more than a bechive. It is a hernet’s nest. And may it prove te be to the slit-eyes, the squareheads, and the spaghetti-boenders. With all good wishes, T am 7 ‘Very sincerely yours, . Pirecter of Physical Education and Recreation, | PCAsAH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. July 16, 1942. Mr. Milton Kelley, * Department of Athletics, University of Texas, Austin, Texas. Dear "Kel": One of my former varsity basketball stars, Ernest Yanek, who is now head basketball coach at Topeke High School, wants fifteen pairs of the New Kelley Deluxe Knee Pads delivered to him early this fall. They will pay for them on October 15th. Please write me and let me know if you will do this for him. I will appreciate it personally. What is the price of the knee pads? With kindest regards to Mrs. Kelley, the son and yourself, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FPCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. % ‘ July 28, 1942. Dear Clint: | 7 . Yery happy to have your good letter of the 20th instant and to know that you made your Lieutenantecy. ne Oe eee congratulations! | ee ee ind aie Shi isin Betty Jean Hess has been visiting Eleanor th Se ee and chek wilek Mae tein re, Kila pe 9% the girls and also showed them your beautiful present to her on mother’s dey. You come in for WHENS 6 ED a comme Su Cen ALi hecpeele, pce Keep on on doing this fine work, Clint. We expect to see you one of the top officers in time. I note that you have lost 15 pounds since | you have been at Quantico. Well, that won't hurt you a bit. It will make you tough and more rugged, end as you say, when you get @ whack at those Japs you will tear ‘an apart. ° sh ici Wlishd: adeaminsite/ eset tits Saas Sn Cinta ae wisi te warm weather on the Potomac. Uowever, we do not expect this Colorado weather to last long, but we are thankful indeed for the present temperature. Tt is about 68 in the morning and 80 in the afternoon, so you see it is delightful. i ever, Eleanor is going to school the last four weeks to finish her payohology requirement that is necessary for her to have to graduate — with her major in that subject at Pennsylvania. are out who drop. Things are pretty quiet hore and most of the young men are of tom on the service call. Occasionally wo see the boys in for a day or two, but they are generally on the move. The Ordnance plant has swelled the tom's population, but it has changed 5 ee ee Sr But we can expect that in time of war. ‘Yes, 1 would certainly like to see your nobby, nifty outfits. T*ll bet you are the berries! With all good wishes to you, I am _ Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Eduoatich, POA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. 2 duet Sea Wa ame For these we were able to get priorities for M. W. KELLEY P.O. BOX 185 AUSTIN, TEXAS July 27,1942. Dr.Forrest ¢.Alien, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen; Got your letter in regard to knee pads for the Topeka High School basketball coach and am very sorry to inform that we will not be able to furnish these knee pads. Because we were unable to get elastic we have not been manufacturin since December with the exception of 300 pairs we furnished Naval Aviation Pre~flight Schools. materials.The autput of the Kelley Company is practically nil so I have been specializing if yard work this summer. — With kindest regards,1I am ‘Sincerely,