May 29, 1942. Mr. Milton Karr, George Williams Collega, 5315 Drexel Avenue, — Chisago, Tllinois. Dear Mr. Karr: I have received your letter of the 2lst instant in which you ask for information concerning the late Dr. James ' Haismith. I em wondering just what you need the information for. The reason I am asking is because I have been asked by Dre Affleck, of Springfield College, to prepare a statement about Dr. Neiamith, and at the present time I am covered up with adninistrative details. I find it impossible to prepare two such statements at the present time. I have known Dr. Naismith intimately since 1902, and was intimately associated with him for a mumber of yearse I do fool that I know his backgroud pretty well. I om wondering, however, if you have seen the book entitled Tts Origin and Development", by Dr. Naismith, published by the Association Press, 347 Madison Avenue, New Yorke. After you have read this book, if you desire additional information, I shell be glad to send you wht I cane Very sincerely yours, ; ' Director of Physical Education end Recreation, PCA:AH _ Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. George Williams College 5315 Drexel Avenue, — “Chicago, Illinois. _ “May 21, 1942, Dr. Phog Allen, Coach, University of Kansas, — Lawerance, — Dear Dr. Allen: I am seeking biograshical information sapeeknii > br. Janes Naismith, the inventor of basketball and former Director of the Department of Physical Education of the University of Kansas. Kr. deney ¥, Madlenberg diceeted me to you as a resource person, I am particularly anxious to know about Dr. Naiemith's educational background, his moti- vating foree, and his philosophy of ‘Physical Education, as shall ‘be grateful for. any aaata renee you can give me ee sities from your own | knowleds e of ‘the 1 man or from other Sources. Bee ; , 2 oe atiiten rr, M. W. KELLEY P.O. BOX 185 AUSTIN, TEXAS October 10,1941. Dr.Forrest C.Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr.Allen; We will be very "proud” to furnish you some more fuzzy knee pads. Greatly pleased to learn that they performed satisfactorily. In the vernacular of Hast Texans-it looks as if the Kelleys have struck another ‘gusher'. Although we have sold a number of these DeLuxe pads, the factory force has discouraged pushing them because they have to follow a different routine than with the felt pad. It took the human race a long time to develop the intellect of sheep and goats for those critters have worn their protection fuzzy side out for some time. Your teams have always showed considerable ‘fuzz in their style of play and now it seems that they will also be fuzzy in their appearance. Just let us know how many pairs of pads you want and the date you want them, and we will do the rest. Sincerely, ey ay Sat pi Acad Bees Snel he csiidh irene s Bor Sa iS ES TS SRT ees aces. October 7, 1941. ‘Write me and let me know your edict. With kindest personal regards to you end the family, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, © PCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. October 10, 1941. Se so Goa Dr. H. L. Kirkpatrick, 415 Mills Building, | f Topeka, Kansas. . | Dear Dr. Kirkpatrick: ) ys I acknowledge receipt of y generosity with many thanks. I am also writing our good friends, a Pyle, Sloe and Bob Forney. I certainly want to do something to reciprocate the kindness of these fine people, and I will not forget to do 60. | \ I am pleased beyond neasure Chuckie and Bruce like the Goal-ii. Some day I will drop in on them and see how proficient they are. I am also hopeful sk apie sa tiie IT be- lieve we will play them a good game. | With kindest personal regerds and best wishes, I em 3} Very sincerely yours, ; } Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Oct. 2, 1941 Master Charles Kirkpatrick 1320 Penbroke Lane Topeka, Kansas Dear Chucky, I was mighty happy to get your good letter which arrived here yesterday morning. The fact that you can c ompose such a good letter under such difficulties as you described proves to me that you are a scrapper and that you can overcome many diffi- culties. You make me very curious to meet Bruce. The way you describe him makes me believe that Bruce is one of your unhappy - moments « You have a great heritage, Chucky. The fact that you have a fine family and brother to play with means a let. There were six boys in our family and we always had a great time pleying football, baskete ball, and baseball. Of course there were a let of scraps, but what group of boys wouldn't do that once in a while when they're thrown in close contact with each other. ‘ : I an happy indeed that you are happy with the Goal-Hi. I've ale ways been the type of fellow that gets a great thrill of enjoyment when I see youngsters happy about the things they're doing. It's a great thing that you are counting on going to K.U. You keep on dreaming about the days that you will spend on Mount Oread and those days will come true almost before you can realize it. Tell your dad end mother to bring you two basketball players of the Kirke patrick family along sometime when Kansas plays this next winter. I'd like for you to meet the boys on our basketball team. They're swell fellows and would enjoy meeting you and Bruce. A. final word of admonition is that if Bruce bothers you too much just take him on for a gameeethat's the best way to settle arguments in any family. Thanking you for your good letter and trusting that you'll have just lets and lots of fun, I am \ Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation | FCA/pg ab Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach oe Sept. 27, 1941 Dr. H. &. Kirkpatrick 415 Mills Building Topeka, Kansas Dear Doctor Kirkpatrick, I am sending you some data on Goal-Hi together with an official rules book. I trust that you and your son will be able to decipher these hieroglyphics of basketball sufficiently for the children to have a lot of fun out of this game. I have also autographed a varsity basketball for the youngsters. I realize that this autograph won't last ‘long but generally youngsters like to know it is a K.U. basketball and the animated cartoon who happens to be the coach is alwayg glad to do anything to make the youngsters happy. ae With all good wishes I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pE Varsity Basketball Coach October 13, 1941 Mr. Prank H. Keufmen &. H. Camp and Co. Jackson, Michigan — Dear Mr. Kaufman, Thank you for your good letter of October 9 announcing the S. H. Camp Institute. We would be happy indeed to receive any additional material, and it will be a pleasure for us to contribute in any capacity that will make the work profitable for the promotion ef better posture to improve popular health and build a stronger nation. mee My congratulations and best wishes for your eplendid work. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation - POA/pe Varsity Basketball Coach S.H.CAMP and COMPANY JACKSON, MICHIGAN OFFICE OF FRANK H. KAUFMAN October 9th, 1941 EMPIRE STATE BUILDING, NEW YORK Mr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kanse pear Mr. Allens Thousands of physicians, health officers and other in- dividuals interested in public health education will receive the enclosed announcement this week. Following the successful national tour of the Transpar- ent Woman exhibit we inaugurated "National Posture Week" as an exten- sion of our public health educational activities. During the years that this event has been observed, interest in it has mounted to gigantic proportions. It has received active support from schools and colleges throughout the nation. It would be superfluous to supplement this with excerpts from thousands of letters received from educators, physicians and health officers in all sections of the country, extoll- ing the results of the literature and ideas made available through us. While National Posture Week will continue, as heretofore, the Institute will augment its activities through the creation and dissemination of additional material periodically throughout the year. It will cooperate in its work more closely with educators and members of the medical profession and other ethical groups. Plans for the creation of additional material are now in work. It will be distributed without cost, as in the past, in the hope that its promotion of better posture will aid in advancing public health and building a stronger nation. Everything we do, as always, will adhere to the ethical ‘practices and standards recognised by the medical profession and it is our hope that these endeavours will also merit the approval of you and those whose welfare you so conscientiously endeavour to further. Your criticisms, suggesticns and enquiries will always be welcome. Yours very truly, S. H. CAMP & COMPANY a Tran M Massfamacer— November ly 1941s wy your letter of October 26th arrived Sol. Marks and Son, and they had ordered d asked the factory to send it to your address at LES6 So, 49th Avenue, Cicero, Illinociss You wiil receive it, and if you have not you can just charge it up to the defense programs lt will come in due times : | With kindest regards to Mrs. Mass and your family, iI am - Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCAsAu Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coache. ’ RM-754268 — COcratber 26. ee LIE RR Loc: ¢e - Duse (6. Storr Aoi 77 fal Puikké out Tk Srarus OF 7a LIA sk WAAL Yad ORCEREO FOR Me On SeeT. AY, 7P¥/. NéyT FRAY L£ Aan Kheaviwe ar Mirunksorh To bfing Mis KAAS Ryo TH« Carve 74 a MAUVE fevveD A Feaece LAL Lom BRO WK US About 1S Mikes WEST OF CK cAGe. ) RATHER MOCE WLKLAGCE Ano A NICE Finck Foe THE Boys. OuKk AoopESS THERE WK GE JA5. 50 kom BAkRO KVE , KomGARO LAs. MOWEVER THE Baik MAY O74 BE SENT ERK Toe My S/sTERS AT JE 36. So. YP AVE Creafvo Lx, VERY Jw cetely Yours 0 Avay l Alawe” e Ho preheat ia alin ina mnt i A io a oe aa oF ge seat: panini tang a Sn iene ses ee le gna gi Sept. 24, 1942 Ur. Roy Klaas 1836 South 49th Ave. Cicero, Tllinois Dear Roy, I have this day ordered your gold Basketball with the appro- priate inscription-name etc. You made your "K" in 1933 so we asxed Er. Marks to have this gold basketball finished in proper style and mailed to you at your address-1836 South 49th Ave., Cicero, Illinois. We are always glad to hear from you, Roy, and I em happy to know that you and your family are happy and well. Please give my Kindest regards to Mrs. Klaas. The Allen's all send you kindest regards. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach RM-75e@268 7 LE 3b6-I0-Y P AVE C1ee #6. 2 £2 6 LorktEST CALLEN DEPARTMENT OF Paieicas £DUC. OnmiviRsiry oF XANSAS Derk Lb c- suey A SMoer Aore 70 Actniowle abe Vouk Ag rréerk DATED FI2Yf AIND : : y To In Chobk A Money Of0ee Fork 5.97 Fok _ A New GALA, em Pe, LL AL-RECIATE VERY Much Move Soest fa Chante FACS Coms/OERAT IAW, eG A-AK Po (TE Susy LAL Ay WE Ww WokrE ANNO ALE. tf Oe (G@iatr Deal .We Mave Beev AS8S/(4ae OTHE TAS Se Tamistestiweg A444 Aelews At Fwe Man? 2x ADDITION To OUR KKGULAL Work Seacce Wer KLAVE SevEKAL M tk Lion Lkines WorrHr DF Goverrnan ConmrrRAcTS We Musr Be Chaoritos AGRI THANKS, SA CE a <7. September 17, 1941. Mr. Roy Klass, 1836 South 49th Ave., | Dear Roy: I acknowledge receipt of your good le of the first instante I am sorry that I have not enswer t before. I wes happy to hear of your family and of the es that you have made. I would like very much to write a friend~ ly letter, but the enrollment is on here and are covered up with detailed work at the present. giyek ; I merely want to say that I called Julius Nerks, and wholesale on a new ball with engraving and so forth is $8,357. If you will send me a check or momey order for that amount I will see that the ball is forthcoming in a very short while. Twill have hin send it direct te your address. With all good wishes, I en Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. 37 18 36- 30-Y9S AVE. Clce ko -LLZ, Dear Do oO. SELATEMEER 1, 17°4Y/ Mave BEE 7 i WINKT MG ABovtr You AO 2. 6 Goon DEAL HATELY Ano 2&:(0kb To 7 Ake Ttme OUT ANNO ier re A Nore Te You. J. KEcb#IVEO A CAAL Fran (WE Wesreen Ekecraie 4487 Wweek Anwo Mow £m Bact ry CHICAGO AGAIN, a START MeeX THERE AGCBIN IN TUE MokNinG. 474 iW PERSONNEL VoRK, PO kiero Zee ean 7 Rvive To Ger, wre Fak THe Aasr- Few Venks, UY 1178 7s PERSONNEL L248 CEMENT ANALYSZ-" Aato ITS An BOVANCEMENT QvuER My C&S. Jo@ Pwo DF Covese aE OopperTuniries ARE Muce GREATER, ALTHWoucH L HAD AN Ou7sS7A DME Peco Tee c* . Ave Oe je hintée Fekh THE DisrkieT ToS jp Srise Oo Wor Horo Atuca af A Fora Rre.. Ano (& WE Woks7T Comes To fas7 L can Baways RETURN TWERE ONO L WKS Mare Ghived Fkc&L ew bn Porkience (Ml A ZAR. BerTeR FiBLD ANO ONE Nor Kar KemMovED FRoAA my Cc dé Nes Keaas Ano THE Soys Ake ST1Ke 7a Minne sera Cut UIE L Cane OW Here AGTER .