Mre We Roy Breg, ; Executive Seoretary, Allied Youth, Netional Education Association Bldg., Weshington, Db. C. Dear Mr. breg: Pardon me for not answering your letter of May 14th sooner. With commencement speeches, graduation at the University, and Retary International meetings I have been so oscupied that I have failed to acknowledge your good letter. I am very happy to cooperate at any time. Certainly I never expect any money for an article that is rendering youth a service through your Allied Youth publi- cations. All of us are happy to do our little bit for | Let me put the responsibility the other way regarding the article that you desire. If you will write me thirty days ahead of the time that you want the basket~ ball article I will be happy to comply with your request | to get it te you in that thirty days of grace. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach.