August 26, 1942. f ee i vaca Portis, Kansas. * fone We Rees I beg to acknowledge your very good letter of August 8th. The reason this has remained unanswered for some time is that my . secretary has bea out on vacation and I have been playing a lot more golf than I should have for prompt.correspondence.. However, I never apologize for those things because a fellow doesn't get.too, much in... _ is Tile ene tel SF ie dace" eds, dno at dna on, cea alen. will do it for him. So I have been keeping in pretty good physical condition for the gagmuas eres education Lee is haere Upe + . < wha Unt you are extremly busy. with your rationing Sienild ‘will Sein. Sia duties. I can appreciate how much criticism _. you get. gongyse ~ctlanagialne ic utedlgpeea eam nscuaics ment weaves - things are not going to suit hin. ; a a ee sity of Kansas. I think it will serve as the right sort of a tonic for hin. Mex is a fine boy and I believe that ho will show his wares this fall. John Buescher has been drafted, but I do not believe that he will pass the physical. However, with the great demand for men he may be put ina limited service classification. They need mm so bedly ‘that I believe they may use him at something, but he has spots on his luhgs that will not permit him to do ‘the heavy duty work of a soldier. | While these patches are incapsulated ani are not active, yet strenuous ee Mex has got a good shot at that quarterback job this year end I am hoping that he Tills the bill. I think he got a little dis- couraged last year, but he should not have. Ne was learning a lot of basketball, but pleying on anybody's second team, of course, is no joy ride for a spirited, enbitious youngster. eS ae ay er doing a good job. — : | le ghd ae gas iceo a oni ee sae to tell you something that transpired last year during spring practice. it mel fine insight into Max's character. Well, I believe I will teil it to you now, but I would not want you to say anything to Max about it because these little delicacies that take place between a coach