Page two -- Dr, Allen, August 8th: I do not know just now what Max plans to do in the way of enlistment in service. 4e is not twenty yet but will be soon and it will be necessary to decide. I hardly know what is best as I am not familiar with those various brancheg but he talked of the Marines -- Candidates! Class and he might get in that or in some of the V- branches. If you have any suggestions, I would be glad for them, that is you could make them to him direct as is still there at Eleven Hundred Indiana, except when working. Some have told me that boys should finish school, that isy that some of them ought to, as they will be needed badly in other fields a little later. Have been noticing lately that you are lining up games for the coming season andthat you will play various service teams. Soon as a schedule is available, I would like to have it and also like to know what you will have for a club the coming season. Have noted from time to time that this boy and that one would be missing until I wondered if you will have a creditable starting line-up. A man from your town, Warren Zimmerman, who once lived here, was here recently and is now writing a story flor me to print about his visit and early day Portis recollections. | He is quite a character. He said he was required to pay $65.000, ineome tax last year on his Color Press there at Lawrence and that the government is getting so critical wt of his various endeavors and needs that he will likely be forced to quit. That is confidential. You may not have net him. I think the same will’apply to me here as the little business is being puhed out of the waye It is a battle to keep the bank here going as government demands make it impossible to make any money from the business. I have fine tomatoes this year and also fine’potatoes but now that we have a good many of them, we cannot sell them, that is for any kind of price. Am chairman of the UsO drive here and we are now finishing it up and also am on a Bond selling committee that has the joh of , selling Three=--Fourths Million Dollars in War Bondg by end of the yeare In case You want the whole amount, just let me know and we can dismkss the committee. I had some talk with some fellows in Kansas City, and they said they were sorry that Kansas and Colorado were not kept apart in that play-off in March, in the hope that both would have won the first nightfand then met the last night. I fully believe that would have been best and that it would have gotten a good deal more money and also that Kansas would have beaten Colorado on any other night. But the game is over so must look forward to the coming season. I will not start on the war and politics as I have only a dozen or so sheets of paper left, and that would not be wnoughe I can hardly keep tab of your family people, but regards to them wherever they are, and same to yourself, and all, and I will see you some of these times, maybe. Always glad to,\hear from you when you have a moment's time. Sieeesere2iy s S, Kans aS