U Dear Coach’ I am on the last chapter of my sports book and will start on that bas'cetball review the minute I finish S3BBM the book. When the start is made, I would like to have some information ready to go ons NCAA (1) hat aaanannERe “oun ey will be held in Kansas City next year and what are the dates? Is it the Western Resional again, and also the NCAA finals? Will any national coaches’ meetings be held? (2) I want to ‘SiMe Doom your feat of beating 0;-lahoma, 0;lahoma A. and M., Rice and Southern Salifornia with such a small team. - The only game I saw was your licking of us at Wichita. Can you tell me a little about each of those four games? I won't let on where I got the dope and it will be in this review. I have box scores, stovies etc. but what I would Like to have you tell me, in confidence, is your coaching strategy(or as much of it as you can reveal) in each of those four games. How you beat taller teams. Whéch of your players were assigned to the enemy hot shots, such as Ford of Oklahoma, Slade, Rennick and Ugeleston of Oklahoma A and M, the Rice hotshot and Vzughn and that sweet — center from Southern Californiae Also how about that belt grease at Wichita? Is that straight goods? Your boys got 25 more shots at the goal than we did that night and we had all the heizht. I am not trying to pry into any of your sum secrets, Just wanted some stuff the basketball stories don't carry. It doesn'; need to be long. . Just a paragraph on each of the four games. I imagine the K,nsas-Indiana finale will be covered thoroughly by someone else, Sincerely, ices - 7 ae Y” Herold Lath