M. W. KELLEY P. O. BOX 185 AUSTIN, TEXAS December 3,1939. Dr.Forrest C.Alien, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Dr.Allen: Just went past my mail box at the gym a few minutes ago,five o'clock Sunday afternoon. Found your good order for eighteen pairs knee pads so we are sending them to you this minute by prepaid expgess. If you don't get them in time for the game Tuesday night it will be because I hadn't been to the office to get the mail, Hope you can beat that Oklahoma A.and M. bunch. We open our basketball season next Satu@day night and play five "warm-up" games before we lwave on our New York trip during the Christmas holidays. I was surely sorry to learn that our games with you had been abandoned. Hope that fate can throw the two teams together later on in the year. Our prospects to win the conference again this year are not too good. ! cn Appreciate getting this substantial order tir direct from you. : , Sincerely, 1) Wel