PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY THE PORTIS INDEPENDENT J.E.KISSELL, EDITOR, OWNER AND PUBLISHER PORTIS, OSBORN Co., KANSAS March the 24th, Easter, Nineteen Forty, DR. F. CG. ALLEN, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Sir, Friend and so forth: For your preliminary information, I will say that this letter is soing to deal with basketball and nothing else, I was about as wild with enthusiasm last night as anyone at the ringside in your Kansas City game and I am still thinking over those last few minutes of that game and wondering how your valiant boys pulled that one thru. I am sure, Alien, that nobody there was more on edge and pulling harder for Kansas than I, out here 500 miles away. To offer you and all congratulations would be mild. I ought to have more than that to offer. Some of us had talked of coming but at the last we could not and some had talked of going to Denver, But at home we (my wife and I) had two radios on. One of your KC games and the other in Max's room of the Denver final as Max was in Denver at the National, for the last sixteen games. I We honestly had a little doubt as to your being able to hold South Cal, But after the game got under way I felt rather confident. I had thot they were maybe super=-humans and also that your boys were some smaller and might not reach them, But I felt good at the half and then of course a little low as Cal. pulled a- head early in the last heat. As I recall your boys _ a few frees ina row. When Cal. got to,I think it was six ahead, I be- lieve my wife said, "Oh, shut it 6ff," meaning that she could not listen to KU losing. But I let the radio go and went to the other ne a minute to get some dope on Phillips and Denver, Then I came back and they were saying that Bob Allen had scored and in a minute he scored the tieing points and also the freee and we thot KU was in but then we sunk again when a Cal. man made that one--and then we = reallydid become speechless during that last half minute when KU Won. I believe it was when Bob stole the ball and pegged to fimmlémm - Engleman for the clincher. I oy prayed, Doc, as those seconds passed and it seemed ages as they’ set Engleman was getting his pose and was shooting. Those last seconfés I held my breathe. I do not think a game via radio or any time has had such a thrill for me, I thot I could follow your strategy most of the game and I figured all along that Cal. would tire out some and that Kansas would come in strong at Ehe finish. But I'll tell you that at one point there I was about rady to fold up. Anyway it was grand triumpland I think you have done just won- ders with your club, I had not figured it was as good as some of your former teams, but I don't baalnanDesanelen 5 panel of boys