g $ : j ial fy i} ne a iF ae Ly uf int (i ree HH iH ie wih Hi hi He tH ii ry i shall greatly appreciate it if I can have this information by Saturdays JOUNSs Secretary to Dr. ¥. Ce Allens 5 g2e) iz § a unt ye te Pat bi EB i i 8 wok Wied: Ps J — Secretary to Dre Fe Ce Allets CLASS OF SERVICE 1201 SYMBOLS > ees is a full-rate DL =Day Letter elegram or e- = cake its de- RES et erred character is in- oe dicated by a suitable (2° 5 } stn Cm symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. : , R. B, WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. SC. WILLEVER Ship Radiogram PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VI oF; RRESIDENT » ALL Pe es The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. TikseoPreveipt is STAN DARD TIME af point of destination en at 646 Massachusetts St., Lawrence, Kansas. Phone 2764 “KADI2 25 NL= ROSARGE ee CALIF 21 DR E R ELBELLS -CARE ROBINSON GYM= UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE KANS= :OPPORTUNI TY JOB STOP NEED SPECIAL CERTIFICATE IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND HEALTH FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL STOP ASK RI gH SEND REVISED CERTIFICATE TO STATE BOARD DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATIONS u ERNEST H KLANNss THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE ROBERT KLAWUHN 17 high school wits: E =» 1 unit of Physical Education G == 1 Unit of Algebra " Physics Woodworking Typewriting Bookkeeping English Gen. Seience Geometry Econanics Amer. Govte Latin Adv. Algebra Chemistry Amer. History td t 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 sowbud tin i | 89 ee, 2 Mt ig siaeats 8 te i i ii EH We at i 1 te Ny nae ahi duly 20, 19359¢ sign your yours had , and the vouchers . end return © of signing ee Secretary to Dre %, Ce Allens aH . fe fot : F HOE ees itt ds i: Ber at sf iy a8 ) THE RUSSELL E. BRIDGES, Vice-President W. F. O'DONNELL, President JOHN A. DOTSON, Director Fort Thomas, Ky. Richmond, Ky. Benham, Ky. J. MATT SPARKMAWN, Director THEO. A. SANFORD, Secretary-Treasurer W. B. OWEN, Director Benton, Ky. Carrollton, Ky. Horse Cave, Ky. —# een Ce HIGH sCrool AIALETIC ASSOCIATION July 18, 1939 Mr. Forrest GC. Allen, Athletic Director Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: How many times have you wished that you might pick up a book and find under one cover the entire record of your last basketball season? There find your next season's schedule, your past season's record, cumulative and by games, comments on attendance, officiating, etc., a financial statement of all receipts and expenditures, an inventory of equipment, and numerous other items of information? That record is now possible. You have received or will receive at once a copy of "An Athletic Record Book", a book that is proving very popular with high school and college coaches and players. TI hope you will look it over carefully and see the possibilities it provides for the coach or the player to keep together under one cover those records that you have always wanted but never had in one place. Other coaches in several states have used the "Athletic Record Book" during the past year and at least two colleges used it in their coaching classes with one copy for each member of the class. This copy comes to you with my compliments. It occurs to me that with your coaching schools approaching, here is an Opportunity for you to make some money on this book. Every man attending your coaching school will want all of your material that is available. So why not provide it for them? You can easily do this by mimeographing or printing your coaching school notes; insert them in the "Athletic Record Book" and hand out the book with notes included at $1.00 or $1.50 per COpy.e I can supply you a limited number at 40¢ per copy, 50 copies for $17.50 or 100 copies at $30. If you want me to get your notes printed on the same kind of paper and have them punched to fit the loose leaf arrangement of the book, I can have that done for you at cost which would not exceed 5¢ per book. RUSSELL E. BRIDGES, Vice-President W. F. O'DONNELL, President JOHN A. DOTSON, Director Fort Thomas, Ky. Richmond, Ky. Benham, Ky. J. MATT SPARKMAN, Director THEO, A. SANFORD, Secretary-Treasurer W. B. OWEN, Director Benton, Ky. Carrollton, Ky. Horse Cave, Ky. ENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC. ASSOCIATION Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Athletic Director July 18, 1939 Page #2 Here is an opportunity for you to provide a record book that each and every coach needs and at the same time add $50 to $100 to your coaching school income. I have yet to meet a coach who is not highly enthusiastic about the "Record Book." They all want it. VY ou ean supply it to them because you meet them at the time they are most interested in their own welfare. You'll do them a real favor and make a nice piece of extra money for yourself by having these books with you. Mail those coaching school notes to me today together with a letter telling me how many books you can use in your coach ing sch ools, and just when you want them. They'll come to you at once in time for your first coaching school. Sincerely yours,