the appointment of a head whe holds necessary degrees in a reputable school of physical educatione Suih © man could tadld the department to requized strength for students who elect to follow physical education and conching as professions. To give the new coaching staff in intercollegiate athletics a proper start, the athletic board should be revised. mny of the present moulty menbers have served wider the former aduinistration and, in times past, have boon reluctant to ecceyt measures ss the regent investigations have deaned necessary. Sone Doan! mentors, St Se maddy satiny are not interested in athleties. thdoubtedly the faculty has other men capable and interested enough to serve the new deal wells fangas soons to have secunilsted an efficient and anle star? of vareity coaches but neods a coach for ring sports if the school is to conduct the full program specified, “fin the Big Six constitutions Golf and temtis also have been neglected in recent years — and baseball only recently has been revived. track also is expensive but necessary, and tasketball, & topper at Kansas, is not much of a money maker. The entire progran a looks to footiall to yay the Lille and that goos for the stadium debt, too. And foottall — 4 at Kansas, 0s may seo it, neods only inpotus fran above <= & go siguil fron the now ; chancel lore : Tithout going haywire and becoming a notorious football mill, Kansas oan be mde a more attractive place both for the student and the student-athlete. ‘The university / tna the exgended curiae, the restige, the etadiin ani other fhetlities, the popilation, area, the interested alumi to operate a successful progrem of athletics. Properly | directed, athleties can became more of an esset to the uiiversity, more of a service to the youth and old~timors of Kansas than ever befores The thousands interested in university athleties are following the clancellorship proceedings with much interest end more then a little hope. eae a pte an oie pesto ote