Che University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS June 9, 1939 Dear Coacheccee Gjad you liked the review. It was o.k. to make the first paragraph changes. I didn't realize I had left out so much vital first paragraph material. I think I must have been dizzy from cramming so hard lately for my oral examinations. I come up June 14 for a masters degree in history. Got the thesis in and the hours approved. Been working it out the last five summers, I have only one request to make regarding the review for the guide, I want to see the final type proof of 45 the entire article. It has always been my policy to personally check type or page proofs of everything that goes out under my name, Your stenographer seems to have done a swell job copying but I always like to check \ the lynotype man and final proof-reader closely. You'd be surprised how many mistakes they make, My back feels swell, Occasionally at night, if I have worked pretty hard at the offive, it gets a little tired and I find that stretching out somewhere seems to help it. I don t have time for golf but I usually rum our three mile section twice or three times a week the year round, The exercise and bath afterward seem to tone me up. I never take a massage after these jogs. Just never got in the habit. I believe the thing that makes my back tired at night is not the running, but rather my rigid upright position while typing. I caught myself doing it just nowe I hardly ever take advantage of the back rest of my chair. Always sitting straight up or leaning forward, It was nice of you to think of Virginia and the kiddies. I shall tell them about it tonight. Sincerely yours, pn rh, oO scmeecey fa. . we Se , H.rold Keith.