i i i i Sy rie ® H HG i a K af ; a i | | ack BY | 4 iyi! a fidt . ae’ is 1k I Hh bi i j Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coachs Marked Tree High School, Deas Coach Keys “Conch Yylie Key, Marked Tree, irimnsase (THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS } Mh La [Cex > — ‘, Ch ase SCA60 £ er ae PAPE TT Th hs ae vi MARKED TREE SCHOOLS ana WYATT BOXLEY, H. R. PYLE, Superintendent GUY C. GRAVES Asian aus MARKED TREE, ARKANSAS {e799 2 Wig Dre, a Fics Aten 6 tatiana oe October 26, 19380 ‘Mrse J. J. Kistler, 2215 New Nampshire Ste, Lawrence, “ansase Dear Mrs. Kistlors Thank you for your gracious mote of the Slat instant. i assure you it ms a very happy and pleasant experience for me to meet with the teachers and parents at Cordley school. Tf T oan bo of any service to you at any tine Tt assure you it will be a pleasure. Yery sincerely yours, aseeweet_ ok Raetene Bdvention, November 4, 1958s ire “Slliam Knox, Principal, Viniand Rural High School, Vitam, Enees Dear” Mite Rnoxs Thank you for your kind invitation to speak to your assembly on December 9. I regret that it is ble for me to as our basketball tean wi be in Stillveter, on thet date, dedicat- ing their new field house at Aw and Ne College. Otherwise, I would be very happy to camo. & in making plans in the future, for 5g per mile each wy to tale care of the expenses of _ your speaker's i I am very sorry that I em wmable te be with you on Decenber 9. | With best wishes for your continued success, I << VINLAND RURAL HIGH SCHOOL VINLAND, KANSAS WitiiaM Knox, Principal LAWRENCE, KANSAS, ROUTE 2 TELEPHONE 764N4 November 3, 1938 Dr. F, CC. Altan University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allan: Will you be the assembly speaker at our school on December 9? The hour is 10:30. On that date we will be beginning our basketball season. A talk along the line of Athletics,"Playinge The Game" -amd-etc. will fit in very nicely at that time. Hoping to receive your acceptance reply at your early convenience, [I am, Very respectfully, YU. William Knox WK: CW & oe } } <2 } el a ge PS / SL) - inci Cf / wee ; ok 2 Be / i i 2 yi Zi / 3 ee) at A 3 ae / - 2 ae < ] > eae £ i "2 2, t ) eo 2 ee A a ys a / “> AA & PA - wu & ry c o é ) ne) ‘ o “2 nt i - # f Bid rae University of Kansase Dear Guys ‘After epealding to you regarding the possibility of Glen | Cumminghen accepting Ce O- Burnside's invitation on November 17 for | Qidlehoun City, I then went to Glem and talked to hints I told hin what a fine fellow CeOeBs is and that he would use much discretion 4n not parading Glemn around undulys : Ag I told you, Mre Burnside is our patron saint of Athletics in OkJahem and Okleaham Citye oe 5 ee ee oe” 3 the Iola High School team and graduated here in Journalism eek oon en ee at Telas co | | PCA sai Versity Basketball Coaches Novenber 16, 1938, Dre Robert Pe Knight, The Menninger Clinic, Topelm, Fansase Dear Dre Knights I want you to know how very much we from the thiver- sity of Kansas Department of Physical Education enjoyed your very informative and worthwhile talk that you gave at the ee ee Teachers Convention in Topekie Our group drove up from Lawrence on Saturday morning — for the special purpose of listening to you, and we found our trip well repaid.s Thank you so muche One or two of our faculty members have asked if would be possible to secure a copy of your talk, could send it we would be very grateful to yous gave @ well organized presentation of a very important sub- it BR Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaches November 17, 1938. Dear Mre Keeney: | In a recent letter fmm Ee 0» (Bill) TAlldams of Drake University, he that you might be interested in I em enelosing a elipping from the University Daily Kansan which appeared a few days ago, and I shall be to send you other news items thet appear from time to times Very sincerely yours, - Varsity Basketball Coaches Rhode Island State College Athletic Association FRANK W. KEANEY, PHYSICAL DIRECTOR. PRO- FREDERICK DELMONT TOOTELL, ASSOCIATE PRO- FESSOR OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION. HEAD COACH FESSOR OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION, HEAD COACH OF FOOTBALL, BASKETBALL. AND BASEBALL. OF TRACK AND FRESHMAN FOOTBALL. WILLIAM H. M. BECK, JR., INSTRUCTOR IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION. ASSISTANT COACH OF FOOTBALL AND COACH OF FRESHMAN BASEBALL. INTRAMURAL ATHLETICS J. RICHARD JONES, COACH OF BOXING. DONALD E. STEARNS, COACH OF WRESTLING. WILLIAM OD. ARCHIBALD, INSTRUCTOR IN KENNETH E. KNICKERBOCKER, INSTRUCTOR IN SWIMMING. TENNIS, Kingston, R. I. Nevember 25, 1938 oe Forrest G. Allen Director of Physical Wibets ee University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Mr. Allen, Your clipping was most acceptable. Also if you have ng objections, I am going to put your research work on your Kansas *val- ° uations Chat. I thoght it was great, and I have since been working on your scheme for some time and it certainly helps. Send all the " dope" - as articles like " Anti-Flunk Insurance " are very interesting. You have a great schedule. Hope you win them 411 - as you usually do. Why not send me a few of your Sophs. Thanks again, Pica cy. oe Frank W. Keaney Physical Director KANSAS CITY SPORT GOODS CO. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI November <5, 1938 Dr. Forrest ¢. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen: if you are going to wse any of the new molded type Basketballs for practice, we have quite a few at one of our factories which were made up under private brand and which we can séll you at $6.50 each. The regular wholesale on the ball is $10.50. If you would like to see &@ gample we will send it to you and think you will find it as fine as anything of the kind made. It has _ the channel seams and is strictly up to the official. specifications in every way. You's very truly, KANSAS ~“@SEX—SPORE—-GOODS COMPANY - The Menninger Clinic Psychiatry and Aeurology TOPEKA, KANSAS THE SANITARIUM THE PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL af THE SOUTHARD SCHOOL ROBERT P. KNIGHT, M. D. November 28, 1938 Dr. F. C. Allen Director of Physical Education Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen: I was deeply appreciative of your very nice letter of the 16th regarding my talk at the Teachers' Convention. It was mighty nice of you to take the trouble to write and say some flattering things. The talk was not written out, so I have no copies. I only had a few notes. However, Antrim Crawford, editor of the HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE, to whom Miss Young spoke about the talk, is after me to write it out so he can pub- lish it. So after a while there may be reprints from this, and I would be glad to send you some. Cordially yours, es Karten P Rocag fA, Prd Robert P. Knight, M. D. irs We Pe Reese, Manager, Kansas Teacher Placenent Bureau, 9083 Kansas A: , Topol, Kansase Dear Mrs Reese: The person concerning whom I was asked to write is not named in the enclosed recommendation blank. | I shall be glad to reply if you will have the nemé inserted. KANSAS CITY SPORT GOODS CO. KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI December <8, 1938 br. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Alien: We are a little bit homesick sometimes for an order from you. It has been a long time since we have heard from you. The enclosed Sheet really has some splendid values and we hope there may be something on it that will be of interest to you. JET 3G Yours very truly, KANSAS - CG GOODS COMPANY “a ‘< G&PORT Jommsty 20, 19396 j3 i sie : Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Couche E December 9, 1958, The University of Temes, Austin, Texase Dear Mre Kaplens Your letter of December 7th addressed to Dr. Forrest Ce Allen has come during Dre Allen‘s absence. He will return to the office on Monday, and I am sure that you Tl hear from him very shortly. i. Sincerely yours, Secretary to Drs. Allene December 14, 1958. — Dear lir. Kaplans I shall be delighted to cooperate with you in eC Friday or Saturday ni Scere Rep en eee Austin, and I shall be glad to see you after we arrive. Ci UU ee Wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Rducation, | FCAsAH | — may be of value to you, if you haven't already found out | how to get inte then. : ¥ S175 Yele 36 «17 « 0 ¥ 2595 Yale 22-=55=0 (A P 14435 Dudley 0 = 35 = 25 Ve We Lapp, February 24, 15959. Mie Sid Kross, Publisher, The Advocator Press, 625 Quincy Street, Topelm, Kansese Dear Hre Erosss | SN ~ Immediately on receipt of your letter of the 25rd instant I got in touch with Mr. Baril Falkenstien, sin- ah cee you enjoy the game Satumay night, I an , Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. JOB PRINTING THE ADVOCATOR OF ALL KINDS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER The Advocator Press SID KROSS, Publisher 625 QuINcY ST. Topeka, Kansas PHONE 3-3930 D ud K = én) 3 Dts Fe Ge fla Athletic Depa University of Kansas Lawrence, Ka I don't know whether my writing in y papers entitles me to any tickets for the basket~ ball games but anyway, in my two papers, I have been religiously stating that the Jayhawkers are going to Win the Big-6 title before the season ends, and i thought that I ought toe see vour 1939 edition in action, tommake sure that I am writing the right dope. .Therefore, I could think of no better game to see than the Oklahoma game Saturday night. WW j f you would have the Ath- tic Department place two tickets in my name at he box office for Saturday night, and I will pick up there, If there .i on 1 6 Ie c > them Ss any charge toiey. i will take care of it at. the- box office. Wishing you all the Iluck in the world, and hoping to be on hand to see Kansas win another victory towards the Big=-6 title, I am Most cordially yours, ok :Vd March 10, 19590 We are counting on you in 1940 at the Univer= sity of Kansase “ith best wishes for your continued success, I aa Director of Physical Education, Mafeh 1, 1939 County Tourney All