JOB PRINTING THE ADVOCATOR OF ALL KINDS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER The Advocator Press SID KROSS, Publisher 625 QuINcY ST. Topeka, Kansas PHONE 3-3930 D ud K = én) 3 Dts Fe Ge fla Athletic Depa University of Kansas Lawrence, Ka I don't know whether my writing in y papers entitles me to any tickets for the basket~ ball games but anyway, in my two papers, I have been religiously stating that the Jayhawkers are going to Win the Big-6 title before the season ends, and i thought that I ought toe see vour 1939 edition in action, tommake sure that I am writing the right dope. .Therefore, I could think of no better game to see than the Oklahoma game Saturday night. WW j f you would have the Ath- tic Department place two tickets in my name at he box office for Saturday night, and I will pick up there, If there .i on 1 6 Ie c > them Ss any charge toiey. i will take care of it at. the- box office. Wishing you all the Iluck in the world, and hoping to be on hand to see Kansas win another victory towards the Big=-6 title, I am Most cordially yours, ok :Vd