KARL HOBLITZELLE W. E. MITCHELL Chairman of the Board Vice-President ALFRED O. ANDERSSON L. W. BAILEY President ‘ Vice-President “J, phe Dispatch -Jo : Dallas, Joxas ~~ August 15, 1938. Dr. F.C. Allen The University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doc, I imagine by this time that you think I am an ungrateful person for not answering your letter sooner. But I have been down on the San Saba flood and have been overworked on the Floyd Hamilton story, both of which you are acquainted with through the press. I can't tell you how much that $20 helped me---but as far as a gift, that is out. I am making good here (as far as the pay envelope is concerned)and shall be able to repay you soon. At present, I am off of sports entirely and working on straight news, markets ami telegraph, but will be back in the sports field shortly. A staff shartage here has been the reason for me being shifted on a variety of assignmmts. Doc, I do hope that we shall meet in the near future so I can tell you how I really appreciate your friendship, and what you have done for mé. I shall write you a letter in the near future, not delaying as I did in this case. Kindest personal regards, Joe Knack e