April 15, 1939, Dre Joy Kistler, Departnent of Physical Education, State University of Iom, — Iowa City, Towne Dear Dre Kistlers I have just had a sciksideias eit iit the Chenesiier, upon wy rebum fren fen Feenelste. Iem hoping ee et eee poe Gee Ser om Seer Gang Oe Beene ee chain The University does not provide for traveling X expenses under such conditions unless a compensation can be made for ea lecture by a Sisiting faculty member. We generally plan ‘to have an interview with the deans and the Chamseller with the respective candidate, and that serves as the necessary lectures» I am explaining this to you so that if the group of deans approves this plan we are hoping to give you definite informatio in the next few days regarding your caning for the interviews | I trust that you are still planning on coming down with Mree Kintlers Very cordially yours, niwiestion « of Physical Education, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach.