September 50, 1938e Mire Je De Kabler, Chenist, Wichita Clinieal Laboratory, Schweiter Building, Wichita, Kansase Dear Kabe | I have your letter of the 29th instant, and imedtately referred it to Mre Harl felkenstien, the financial secretary of the Athletic Association. i asked him to hold eight tickets for yous lr. Falkenstien told me the best seats le has are on PAT ctr ag-mmoysamgr tig ex re gg yorratngtionglona al seatse I am sure you will hear from lire. Falkenstien right awaye i took your message toe him personally and I imow that you will get good services i am glad you are coming up to the . sh kl Misi Sik somthing wn tk ao ae penen time I assure you it will be a pleasure. It will be good to see you when you Comee : i ! Very sincerely yours, Mrector of Physical Fdveation, FCAsAH | Varsity Basketball Coache