KANSAS CITY SPORT GOODS CO. KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI August 12, 1938 Dr. Forgest C. Allen Univ. of Kansas Lawrence, Kans. Dear Mr. Allen: We enclose our new Football and Basketball Sheet. We ask you to take just a few minutes to look it over. it carries some excellent values and we will appreciate some of your business. You take no chances as we gladly ship sub- gect to your inspection and approval and subject to return at our expense if the goods are not satisfactory on receipt. If you do not do the buying, we ask you to pass this on to the buyer for this type of equipment. If your institution buys on bid, we will appreciate receiving your requisitions or invitations to bid. : We ship to every state in the United States and to many of the largest Colleges and Universities and we will gladly give you as many references as you may desire. We Can save you some money and we can please you. The enclosed envelope does not require a stamp forreply. Drop us a note on the bottom of this sheet. If you do not see what you want tell us what you need. We have some real bargains in Golf, Tennis, Baseball, Games and Gym Clothing also. May we have your inquiries or orders? y Sincerely, ~ GX, > “tiixansas City Sport Goods Co. . ‘ SS * \ iis oe JET :WS ce® Ee "Gap" Turner, Manager & ( ; a LN. g Just use the space whelow: x \ Dear "Cap": ‘ \ Subject to our inspection ™-and_approval and subject to return at your expense if not satisfactory send us Send prices on Signed P. S. Our buying is done by