THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE 1201-S CLASS OF SERVICE | SYMBOLS ‘ This is a full-rate eee et Telegram or Cable- NM = Night Message | gram unless ‘its de- ML eet? ¥ | f . a “4 AMERICA’S LONGEST ELECTRIFIED RAILROAD April 18, 1958 Wy ‘Sincerely yours le Coathe Director of FCAAH April 6, 1958. Your letter ef Apral 5th addressed to Dry na eck Ses Bees take Allon’s absence frou the offiees Ue will return jatter part of Pe en re Sincerely yours, ee Dre Pe Cy Alloiy of Physical waclin’ bashaaead Sieene Sik cats Senin: deena: hit Soemiainals iin ta next Christmas vacation down south. We would like mighty well to play in your hone oity. — — + dos asiateeinins Ot dnc Dakihd bn tava bs huni | the trip, if it would be possible to play the University of Louis- ville some time after Chrishbmse This is only a tawtative plan, but nothing would please us better than to visit some of our old cronies Curing the winter basketball seascms Nery and the children are with us and we are having in gee Mens She expests to go back shortly, but she thinks Lourease is 0.%. | co Sincerely yours, UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT April 4, 1938 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I am transmitting your letter concerning a possible basketball date to Mr. Lawrence Apitz, our Director of Athletics, end asking him to reply to you directly. Nothing would please me personally more than to have you here. R. Ae Kent President RAK: rd Che University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS March 29, 1938 Dear Coach: Thanks a great deal for both shipments of those fine Kansas radio programs. I read every one of them and think that they were swell, particularly for parents and friends of university students in your territory. However the two basketball interviews, one featuring your team and the other the interview between yourself and Dr. Naismith, would surely interest any sports fan anywhere. I am going to show them to Bruce and Bennie some- time today. Maybe we can work out something along a sin-~ ilar line. I am sure our university station, WNAD, will be glad to cooperate. With best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Bees oe Harold Keith, Director of sports publicity. Dre Fe Ce Allen, Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Myre Nick Kearns, Morrison Hotel, Chicago, Illinoise Conshe Director of Varaity f ‘ i Sincerely yourts Coathe — Director of Varsity March 2, 1938 Yre Tarold Director of Sports Publicity, thiversity of Oklahoma, Norman, . Deex Farolds Tt is a great to autograph your copy of Better fa I em returning the book to you today, duly autographed. Sincerely yours, Director of Physieal Education, — Varsity Basketball Coache > Che University of Oklahoma a Norman, Oklahoma INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS March 1, 1938 Dear Coach: Enclosed find return postage for the copy of your book I am mailing you to autograph. Thank you. Sincerely yours, —L Harold Keith, Director of sports publicity. ¢ prs Fe Ce Alion, Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Rhode Island State College Athletic Association FRANK W. KEANEY, PHYSICAL DIRECTOR. PRO- FREDERICK DELMONT TOOTELL, ASSOCIATE PRO- FESSOR OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION. HEAD COACH FESSOR OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION, HEAD COACH OF FOOTBALL, BASKETBALL AND BASEBALL. OF TRACK AND FRESHMAN FOOTBALL. WILLIAM H. M. BECK, JR., INSTRUCTOR IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION. ASSISTANT COACH OF FOOTBALL, AND COACH OF FRESHMAN BASEBALL. INTRAMURAL ATHLETICS J. RICHARD JONES, COACH OF BOXING. DONALD E. STEARNS, COACH OF WRESTLING. WILLIAM D. ARCHIBALD, INSTRUCTOR IN KENNETH E. KNICKERBOCKER, INSTRUCTOR IN SWIMMING, TENNIS, Kingston, R. I. February 28, 1938, i. Perrest.c. Alien, Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear pr. Allen: John Bunn writes me that you have been doing Some work this year toward the rating of players. Could you send us this information to include in our bulletin. of course you know that your work is always interesting to basketball coaches, 3est wishes, Very truly yours, Frank W. keaney. KANSAS CITY SPORT GOODS CO. KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI April £1, -19658 Dr. Forrest ¢. Allen Director of Physical Education ‘University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen: Many Deoee fOr yours of April . 19, and we Wiid = ye. =6gimd. to ship you. the. 36 x. $, 15-thread White Nets, and. think you will find them very satisfactory on the whole , ag we Ship 4& great many of these. The price, of eourse, i very reasonable. your business is appreciated sincerely. s i Yours very truly, + | We are very much pleased with the appearance of the tennis no} which you sent us on approval yosterday, and are sending through e requisition for your Order Noe 412026. In your letter of April 11 you stete that have in steck three of these 36 ¥ tock, Si Aieuel Suit satan on whieh you quoted us a price of $4695 each, Will please send us the renaining two a win bak nots Also in your letter of April 11 you quote us BRx re rf? SEBS ffl : I trust these may be sent to us at an early dato, as we are in neod of teins note Fight amye Director of Thysical Education, Varsity Basketball Coache | KANSAS CITY SPORT GOODS CO. KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI Dr.|' Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical bducation University of Kansas ‘Lawrence, Kansa pection and wi g other two on: same price am o o h Tarred © q Yours very truly, ieee ce CITY S002 SC Dh m fx sP\C fy. oD a wr nL WUOUDO CUM PAIN 1 ‘ co DE iO fo KANSAS CITY SPORT GOODS CO. KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI April en ‘e - Qn 18.8) Clon a hala: oy Dr.- Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas BB ict yr aed ss To ya Dear Doctor Allen: If you need any Tennis courts for the University this fall, we have a@ couple of mighty good values in Tarred Nets. We have one 42 x oS 2. oO-thread Tarred Net and one te 4 3 Tt, ‘Ciaterens Tarred Net. These are good,first quality Nets but a little shopworn. We can make you a price of %5.95 a each on them. if you are going to neéed any Nets, these ere good value. JET 3G yours very truly, a ppp ARARDS Akt DA WT SPORT UUOLS COMPANY e