Now, down to earth, Joes I am sending a couple of glosses of - Willdam Nogben and Williaa McKinley. Both these boys were teammates at Soutlwest High School and they oaue fran fine femilies in Kansas City, and are really wonderful « Mrs Hogben, as you mow, is a neighbor of Ce Be Mob. Mac will s+ some of the backgroud on the two Bamilges. It so happens that the two families are great friends and I know will apprealate any little boost that their w 8 4 either position when called upom These glosses have been sent to McNitts by Mr. Mlle. We have had mats made for the boys in the auall towns, but the boys | im the big tows are out of luck mless ou good friends see to it ‘JOG, I witl appreciate everything that you and your boss can do in our behalf. i: With kindest regards, I an He Very sincerely yours, : Varsity Basketball Coach, FOAsAH ; Director of Physical Educatione