3 ganedrs 5% eR we Dear Hr. Kingsbury: Pardon my delay an ne y¥< of the 4th thebeats. Euroll ag time has kept us swamped — and & am just now getting to orr Raige ST OCGEO Tl. 2CALS cs sabi 9 coats a . Athleties at the Universi, Kangas, and I an passing *terats® esp SS oe oe peaqes E Bee =? Seether collet ina te .oana-ebat ‘meet t-T believe ziaag Siscused st 6 board meeting, ; . 7 Partes ak! Enat tines Lees Ler STyT Pa aes soo foe Sa fees SOLS eee rs Sy ciute- -nitgt "aad tnt oe no #E twith be, stone 2a. reseee to t of this. gncoeinty and. I ot eg te asaane t Petoroarts pe ie eae Beas eo seed FoR ee : Togeyies "Va Gonrne ) se eas, a rr: ossible wntler the ee ee $e FRETS LTS ¢ dag “ey sae re Pe: adi of) 2) anen ar , ada that the Athletic Association never eae nalese the student on.” | | gener “onthe ak vias | es Seo tis even on the team the Athletic Assasistian » should be responsitie far this iLiness. eee a , Saar Sins ange i ays