RAY HANSON DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS WESTERN ILLINOIS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE MACOMB, ILLINOIS RALPH BARCLAY AGADEMY GYMNASIUM Macomb Ill. Apr. L.---"Basketball fans are sick of sterilized ball games" is the belief of Coach Ray Hanson of Western Illinois State Teachers College, and with this fact in mind has worked and experimented to find some solution that will not alter the game and at the same time will force teams to play fast offensive ball. During the past two years, since Canton, Illinois! famed march toward the national championship using a pure "stall" the midwest has become the home of slow uninteresting basketball, and Coach Hanson offers the following solution to restore basketball to former position among the indoor sports: Speed, dash, dribbling, fast breaking, lightning passing, maxiumum of action, and no chance to stall. Here you have it. On any court, no matter how long or how shorte-mark a line across court hh) feet from end line; that is fourteen feet from your normal defensive front line--no matter what style of defense you are using. The front of defense usually forms 30 feet from end line. When the offence receives the hall he must move forward by dribbling or passing. He is allowed one backward pass--no more. He may hold the ball still for 3 seconds (official counting to 15). When the members of the offensive go over the active line, they may retreat back to "Action Line™. Within this line they may stall all they like, pass and dribble in any direction they chcose just so they don't throw or carry the ball back over the “Action Line". On fump ball near "Action Line" the offensive may tap ball back over line once. If he does this the rules for offensive basketball apples. Note: defensive will not go into offensive territory to get the ball. Violation--- 1. Ball passed back to offensive man standing on "Action Line"™ | 2. Ball passed back to player over the “Action Line" - Fumbled ball over "Action Line" by offensive teams ~Hold the ball over 3 seconds (counting bo 15) 5. Passing ball back more than once. - Passing ball directly sideward more than once. Recommend this be tried by two teams eliminated in National H. S. Bartlett Gym and YMCA Tournament in Oak Park