Report of the Officials’ Committee presented by Chairman Brown. (p 144) Motion (Morgan): That all recommendations of the Officials’ Committee, presented by Chairman Brown in his report, be referred to the Executive Committee with power. (p 150) Vote unanimous. Motion (Morgan-Reynolds) : That all financial matters in Chair- man Brown’s report relating to the Officials’ Committee be referred to the Executive Committee with power. (p 150) Vote unanimous. Chairman Morgan presented the Syndicating Committee report. The questions and answers were published by the North American Newspaper Alliance. Amount received, $133.00. We received fairly wide publicity. (p 154) Motion (Reynolds) : That the report of the Syndicating Com- mittee be accepted. (p 154) Vote unanimous. Motion (Morgan-Reynolds) : That the usual divisions of funds between the three constituent organizations, namely A.A.U,, N.C.A.A. and Y.M.C.A., be referred to the Executive Committee with power. (p 155) Vote unanimous. Motion (Immenhausen-Crocker) : That the Treasurer be em- powered to send a check for $15.00 to the University of Pennsylvania Club, 35-39 East 50th St. New York City, to be applied to the Christmas Fund of the employees of the club in recognition of their fine interest and service to the Joint Committee during meetings in the clubhouse. (p 155) Vote unanimous. Motion (Reynolds) : That in view of the members receiving copies of the minutes by mail move the reading be dispensed with. (p 156) Vote unanimous. Motion (Dougherty-Reynolds) : That the officers be extended a yore thanks for the manner in which they handled this meeting. (p 156) Vote unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, GEORGE T. HEPBRON, Secretary. L. W. ST. JOHN, Chairman,