6A. University of Pa, Club, New York, N. Y., April lith, 1931, The SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING of the JOINT BASKETBALL COMMITTEE was held at the University of Pennsylvania Club, 35-39 East 50th Street, New York City, New York, April llth, 1931. The meeting was convened at 10:40 A.M, by Chairman St.John, The accredited list of delegates read by Secretary Hepbron, (List attached.) - Chairman St.John appointed Messrs, Tower and Hepbron as the Committee on Publicity; they to see that the press receive a full account of the proceedings. Report of Treasurer - A.E. Metzdorf — read. MOTIONs— Report be accepted, Carried —- — Unanimous, Report of Officials Committee read by the Chairman, Dr. John Brown, Jr.. Copy of this report to be sent to members by Dr. Brown, MOTIONs— Report be accepted. Carried - —- Unanimous, Dr. Brown recommended that the Joint Committee "adopt the following financial policy regarding the relations between the Officials Committee and the Joint Basket ball Committees-— ‘ 1. That the Officials Committee pay all its own expenses out of its own receipts; 2. That we operate on the principle of paying our bills monthly as they are incurred; and. that a monthly statement be sent to the treasurer of the Joint Basketball Committee; 3. That the Officials Committee maintain a per- - manent balance of $1,000 in the bank as a re- serve fund; 4, That the Officials Committee vote an annual contribution to the Joint Basketball Committee of any balance on hand over the amount of the $1,000 reserve fund, 5, That $1,200 be paid for the clerical services of the Chairman of the Officials Committee for the year, April 1, 1930 to March 3lst, 1931. MOTION:— Morgan-Reynolds; Moved that the financial program as outlined by Dr. Brown, Chairman of the Officials Committee be approved by the Joint Committee and that we operate on that basis in the future. ’ Carried - — Unanimous, . Continued,