8. 10, id, 12, 13, 14, 15. PAGE 2 Both Mr. Metzdorf and Mr. Morgan reported for the special Committee on Study of Income and Expense of the Joint Basketball Committee. Mr. Morgan stated that a detailed report would be made to the Executive Committee at its next meeting. Both Morgan and Metzdorf recommended that the yearly dividends to the three (3) original constituent member organizations be omitted for the year 1931, This to be considered at the next meeting of the Executive Committee. MOTION:— That the reading of the Minutes of the Joint Committee; The Eastern Interpretation Meeting; and the Executive Committee meetings be dispensed with as each member had received a copy by mail, Carried -— -Unaniamous, Chairman appointed the following nominating committee:- Wm. McK, Barber; Judge H.G. Immenhausen; C.E.Beckett, This Committee to submit nominations for Chairman; Vice-Chairman; Secretary; Treasurer; Editor; and four additional members who together with the officers con- stitute the Executive Committee, Report of both Editorial and Questionnaire Committees presented by the Chairman - Oswald Tower, MOTION:~ Reports be accepted, Carried — - Unanimous. It was suggested that the next meeting of the Joint Basketball Committee be held in California during the dates of the Olympic Games. MOTIONs- Refer to Executive Committee, Carried - —- Unanimous. Recess 12:50 for luncheon — — — Reconvened at 2:30 P.M. Each constituent member submitted to Secretary Hepbron their selections for the personnel of the following standing Committees: - —- Rules Revision Committee Editorial Committee Officials Committee Questionnaire Committee. At the request of Chairman St.John, representatives of the various constituent organizations reported, Chairman St.John asked Dr, F.C,Allen (who is Chairman of the Committee appointed by the National Basketball Coaches Agsociation to bring about, if possible, the acceptance of Basketball as one of the official Olympic Sports) to report on the probability of Basket- ball being accepted by the Olympic Committee as one of the Official Sports, Dr. Allen reported that overtures had been made to the Olympic Committee but while every- Continued,