Page 4, Committee were fully discussed and action taken on each one, Each action unanimous, oo-A The Editor, Mr. Tower, was requested to send copies of changes to the members of the Joint Committee and any others requesting same, 23. MOTION:- That the Officials Committee make a study of how a more uniform interpretation of rules by Officials may be brought about. Carried —- — Unanimous. 24, MOTION:— That either Mr. Tower or Mr, Hepbron inform the Secretary of the Agsociation of Basketball Coaches that their recommendation regarding uniformity of interpreta- tion of the Rules by Officials, was presented and acted upon at both the Rules Revision and Joint Committee meetings, and that the matter was referred to the Officials Committee for further study and recommendation, (Mr. Tower agreed to write the Secretary.) Carried ~- —- Unanimous, 25, MOTION:-— That the Rules Revision Committee make a study and report specific recommendations at the 1932 Annual Meet-— ing on how to reduce the number of 'free throws!, Carried —- — Unanimous. The Chairman of the Rules Revision Committee appointed the following Committee:- Floyd A, Rowe, Chairman---F, C, Allen. E. J. Hickox ------- -~ W., E, Meanwell J. H, Crocker - ------- H, G. Reynolds, This Committee to report’at the Annual Rules Revision and Annual Joint Basketball Committee meetings - 1932. 26. The Committee appointed by the Chairman of the Rules Re- vision yesterday (April 10th,1931) to study "Blocking" and submit recommendations, diagrams and photographs to the Joint Committee was asked to report. Chairman Porter made a partial report, stating the Committee had a meet- | ing but on account of the limited time were not able to -present any diagrams showing legal and illegal "blocking", The Committee continued; personnel of the Committee?— Messrs. Porter - —- Meanwell ~— — Barber Allen- - - Bohler - -— — Tower, At the meeting of the Joint Basketball Committe Messrs. Tebell and Hickox were added to this Committee. 27. The Chairman, St. John, asked the Editor to present to the Rules Revision Committee at the 1932 meeting the question of the advisability of a double referee plan, 28. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 P,M.. Hep ton — _ ff iL. ¥. Ot. Jot, Geo, T. Hepbron, Chairman, Secretary.