University of Pa. Club New York City, N. Y. April 11, 1931. Meeting of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE called by Chairman St. John on Saturday, April llth, 1931, at 5:45 P.M., imnediately following adjournment of the Joint Committee, meeting. With a view to expediting the business session of the annual meeting with the minimum loss of time and in order to give a larger proportion of time to consider- ation of the report of the Rules Revision Committee, a proposed procedure was agreed upon for next year, where- by the reports of other sub-committees would first be considered by the Executive Committee prior to presen- tation to the Joint Basketball Committee as a whole. MOTION:— That at the time of the annual meeting in 1932, a “ .- meeting of the Executive Committee be held on the evening preceding the meeting of the Joint Committee; at which time reports of the various sub-committees and other business matters will be submitted and recommen- dations arising therefrom reported by the Executive Com- mittee to the Joint Committee on the following day Carried -- Unanimously MOTION:- That the personnel recommendations from the repre- sentatives of the Constituent Members for standing committees be approved. Carried -- Unanimously. Adjourned 6:10 P.M.. ReSpectfully submitted, # L, W. ST, JOHN, GEO. T, HEPBRON, Chairman, Secretary.