omnes - Eee een a a ———EEeee oo . TEL EET eee er Ee Le F ra Petree fe. Sf) ‘a ” d2 : “LE Lb BASKETBALL RULES COMMITTEE REPORT Gencral Pelmcr E. Picrce, President, National Collegiate Athlctic Association. Dear Sirse 4s chairman of the National Collegiate Baskctball Rules Committee, I have the honor to submit to you the report of the activities of this Committee during the current year. - It has been recognized for some time that a definite enlargement of the committee handling baskctball rulos is necesserys These rules are now international in scopee It was found inadvisable to carry out in detail recommendations for reorganization of the committee specifically made to the National Collegiate at the mecting last yoare In principle, however, the recommendations mado and approved by the National Collegiate have been followed. Fiftcocn ycars ago conditions in regard to playing rulcs for basketball were somewhat chaotic and certainly un- satisfactory, three distinct sets of rules being sponsored and promulgated by three different organizations. Langcly through the wise lcadership of Dr. Joseph E. Rayeroft, at that timo chairman of the National Collegiate Basketball Committee, a joint rules committec was formed, consisting of revresentatives of the Amateur Athletic Union, International Y.M.C.A, and our National Collegiate groupe The statcment has beon made before and is repested ct this time thet this Joint Committcce has worked in harmony xnd to the best interests of tho game of basketball for a long period and while it was felt that some justification existed for reapportionment of this committee, it has scemed unwise to insist on the idess held by some of our National Collugiate men in faec gf opposition by the associate groups. Tho steps take n reorgenization have becn approved by the Exccutive Committoe of the National Collegiate. Briefly these steps have becn as follows: The National Collegiate Committce consists of one representative from cach of the eight colleginte districts and two representatives at large, one of the representatives at lerge boing Mr. Oswald Tower who has scrved most efficiently as editor of the Guide. The Amatcur Athletic Union inercased its rules committec representation to equal that of the National Collegiate although this group «also appointed Mr. Tower as onc of its representrtives. The International Y.M.C.A. increased its representation to equal that of the other original bodics. The following organizations have bcen invited into participeting membership on this Joint Baskctball Committee, namely, the National Federation of State High School Athletic Associations, two mombeors; the Canadian Ametcur Basketball Association, two members; the Chartercd Boards of Basketball