, Pfo. Hoyt Baker, B Battery, 140th A.A.A. Bn., Dear Hoyts I was mighty happy to have your letter dated September 2. ' I em sorry, however, that you were not able to go through Lawronce or through Peabody, but even to get on Kansas soil i know made you happy. Yes, sir, it won't be long before sone of the boys are riding the banana wagon. I talked to Mrs. Anderson, Dr. A. J. Anierson's widow, and shé told me that their a ee eee Averica on a medical missions There will be a lot of our boys dss oF Cheb aon we the globe. Gee, it will be fine to have all of you back, and — Sah re Hae Spee Nays arn pated te tees whee they Hem Last night we had a wonderful rain. We have had a lovely sumer, but the last two weeks have been very dry and most everybody was praying for rain, and I imagine their prayers were answered because we had a good downpour. Now it is fine and cool this morning and there is a lot of zip and snap in the air. if you were here you would be listening for the thud of the old pigskin. 3 te want you to know that we miss you but we are pulling for the time when you will return to us. We wil’ be glad to ee ee ee maybe ins scuple ef weeks. {th every good wish, I am Sinserely yours, ee Director of Physical Education FCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach.