1931 - 1932 CONNECTICUT STATE BOARD . Board's first State-wide Basketball Interpretation Meeting at Middletown. Changes in rules explained; fouls demonstrated. Wesleyan University basket- ball squad staged demonstration game. Supervisor of Lxaminations appointed to make arrangements for written and practical examination of candidates. Next year it is planned to have applicants work preliminary games for their practical floor test. CENTRAL CONNECTICUT DISTRICT BOARD Three meetings, well attended - largely due to the fact that we impose 4 fine of One Dollar a meeting if a member misses more than one a season. A well attended and worthwhile interpretation meeting was held in conjunc- tion with our annual Banquet. EASTERN CONNECTICUT DISTRICT BOARD A membership of twelve. During the past year five applicants took examina- tions but all unsuccessful. Meetings every three weeks during the playing season. FAIRFIELD COUNTY DISTRICT BOARD Officials have gained more prestige than ever in county basketball circles. More calls have been received by our men to handle scholastic and league games throughout the county than in any previous year. A marked interest in our organization has been shown in Danbury and Stam- ford, with prospects of developing new officials and better officiating a good outlook for the new year. NEW HAVEN DISTRICT BOARD A membership of forty-four officials. Included in this number is one inac- tive official and one honorary member. Fifteen new applicants were admittea, eight being probationary members, carried over from last season.