Dues have again been lowered, members paying five dollars per year. New applicants pay but six dollars before taking the examination,those failing to pass either the written or practical tests are refunded three dollars. DELAWARE CENTRAL BOARD Board started the year with 21 old members, one by transfer from Harrisburg, Pa. We transferred one member to the North Jersey Board. We entered 5 by means of the examination. A total of seven took the exam and two failed. It was moved, seconded and passed that the Secretary-treasurer of the Board be excused from paying the annual dues of five dollars. Basketball in this state is popular. Majority of games are handled by Board members. The Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association recommends Board officials for all its games. The Board is working toward a uniformity of Officiating, which is gradually raising the standard in this State. WASHINGTON, D.C., AND VICINITY Our Board has started on its 12th year with a membership of 29 active and 5 probationary members. Six meetings were held, 5 were regular and 1 a special meeting. Our last meeting was held March 7, following the Annual Banquet. Twenty-four of our regular members, 4 of our probationary members, and 12 guests (coaches from some of the colleges, special, and private schools) were in attendance, mak- ing a total of 40. The past season has been a good one, its members have been called upon to work more games than ever before. More and more coaches of colleges, high schools, preparatory schools, private schools, U. S. Service teams, as well as independent teams are calling on Board members to officiate their games. District of Columbia A.A.U. Championships used Board officials to offici- ate in the games of their tournament which makes the 5th consecutive tournament in which our men have officiated. FLORIDA STATE BOARD Membership will show no increase over the preceding year. Our dues are $4.00 for a new member and $3.00 for a renewal. We have adopted an insignia to be worn on the sweator of the Approved Official. Through the cooperation of the Vice-Presidents in the various sections of the State, there was more demand for Approved Officials throughout the State and, this year for the first time, an Approved Official was used in the State High School Basketball Tournament. Indications are that next season may bring a rather general demand for Approved Officials in all Inter-Scholastic games. The interest in Basketball continues to inerease and, with the large numbers now playing the game, a big fan support is gradually accumulating.