‘Following is a list of the publications sent out to the members of the West- ern Massachusetts Board: 1. A letter including Mr. Oswald Tower's interpretations on two rulings that came up in the first interpretations meeting. 2. Keport cards for officials to fill in and send back. 5. Report cards for schools to fill in and send back. 4. An official roster sent to the colleges, preparatory schools, and in- dependent teams of the district. 5. 4 letter recommending the officials in our district to agree on the following rulings subject to the approval of the coaches: blocking, held balls, traveling. 6. Instructions to Timekeepers and Scorers. 7. Technique or mechanics of officiating the double referee system. 48 took the examinations; 14 passed. There are to be two examinations in Springfield, Amherst, and Pittsfield, and the final meeting at Springfield, with all the examining boards together so that anyone who has failed previously may have an opportunity to pass before these nine examiners. If a man fails to pass the examination he must return to the same board for re-examination, with the exception that he may take the final examination at Springfield at the meeting of the three boards. The applicants must pass the written examination before taking the floor work. The president and secretary must be present at all these examinations. The Board voted to adopt an official jacket described as follows: scarlet body with grey trimmings; insignia white with scarlet lettering inscribed: West- ern Massachusetts Approved Official. Twenty members have purchased these jackets. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE BOARD Two regular meetings, one special meeting. One official Interpretation game. This Board asked to conduct a game spon- sored by the white Mountain Interscholastic Basketball League, which was well at- tended. Examinations were given to sixteen members and seven passed the required written and practical test. Our Board now has (51) members, and our dues are $5.00 a year. Our Balance in Treasury is $228.12.