LO CINCINNATI DISTRICT BOARD Eight meetings during the season, at which time, Coaches and Officials were present to discuss and interpret the rules. There were two examinations held during the season. On December 9th, we held our Annual Banquet and Clinic at the Y.M.C.A., Cen- tral Branch. For the season 1932-3 we are classifying our officials as Active and Associ- ate. The officials who have worked twenty games or more during the past season will be classed as Active. PENNSYLVANIA STATE BOARD This Board with its three district boards the past season functioned as a complete smooth working unit and its operation was automatic. Although each district is autonomous, yet each conformed to basic state re- quirements and national committees intent. The Eastern District Board is composed of five local boards. The Central Board of one local board. The Western District Board consists of ten local boards. The finances of the State Board and all the districts and local boards are in a very satisfactory condition. A uniform, though flexible, method of approving new applicants throughout the state was adopted at the State Board meeting in 1927, and is still strictly ob- served. The state provides that all applicants must submit (1) to a practical examination (2) to a written, oral, or both, examination based on the ques- tions provided by the National Committee. Details of applying these tests are left to each district or local board according to local needs and practibility. THE PHILADELPHIA LOCAL BOARD At the December meeting 1930 it was voted to limit the number of new members to 10% of present members - namely 10. The Membership Committee carried out their work most efficiently. Members this year; new, by renewal and transfer 101. Inquiries regarding Membership 52. Applications with Fee 21. Passed by Examination 10. Failed by Examination ll. Receipts $1,748.16 Expenditures $1,168.15 Balance April 1, 1932 580.01 $1,748.16 $1,748.16 As against this balance we have the cost of the forthcoming Banquet (April 6, 1932, also $50.00 New Membership Fees due to State for next Season and a small Printing Biil. Our Hand book has won the admiration and plaudits of the National Office and other State and Local Organizations.